{ "title" : "CoRIS Geoportal GeoRSS.", "description" : "Most recently updated metadata documents.", "copyright" : "", "provider" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search", "updated" : "2024-09-23T18:15:16Z", "source" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?searchText=region%3AMHI+OR+region%3A%22OCEAN+BASIN+%3e+Pacific+Ocean+%3e+Central+Pacific+Ocean+%3e+Hawaiian+Islands%22&max=25&f=pjson", "more" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?searchText=region%3AMHI+OR+region%3A%22OCEAN+BASIN+%3e+Pacific+Ocean+%3e+Central+Pacific+Ocean+%3e+Hawaiian+Islands%22&max=25&f=pjson&start=11", "totalResults" : 1808, "startIndex" : 1, "itemsPerPage" : 25, "records" : [ { "title" : "2013 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar DEM (LMSL): Niihau, HI", "id" : "{1EDBBD8B-1A36-499A-BB86-1887B1A2D6C1}", "updated" : "2023-06-15T06:06:27Z", "summary" : "These Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files contain rasterized topobathy lidar elevations at a 1 m grid size, generated from data collected by the Coastal Zone Mapping and Imaging Lidar (CZMIL) system. CZMIL integrates a lidar sensor with simultaneous topog...", "bbox" : [-160.239306, 21.878441, -160.045494, 22.012455], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-160.239306,21.878441], [-160.239306,22.012455], [-160.045494,22.012455], [-160.045494,21.878441], [-160.239306,21.878441] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/noaa-nos-coastal-lidar-pds.s3.amazonaws.com\/laz\/geoid12b\/6268\/supplemental\/hi2013_usace_ncmp_niihau_m6268.kmz", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/coast.noaa.gov\/dataviewer\/#\/lidar\/search\/where:ID=9002", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B1EDBBD8B-1A36-499A-BB86-1887B1A2D6C1%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B1EDBBD8B-1A36-499A-BB86-1887B1A2D6C1%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Shallow Water Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Profiles of near-shore sites off O'ahu from 2021-05-19 to 2021-07-16 (NCEI Accession 0251327)", "id" : "{961B91FC-37DA-428B-BF0C-323DFD9FBF43}", "updated" : "2022-04-28T10:28:22Z", "summary" : "The data described here result from near-shore shallow water Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts conducted at select sites around the Hawaiian Archipelago as part of the ongoing National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP). These surveys were con...", "bbox" : [-158.271, 21.24257, -157.718, 21.59129], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-158.271,21.24257], [-158.271,21.59129], [-157.718,21.59129], [-157.718,21.24257], [-158.271,21.24257] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0251327", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0251327", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B961B91FC-37DA-428B-BF0C-323DFD9FBF43%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B961B91FC-37DA-428B-BF0C-323DFD9FBF43%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Hawaii Coral Bleaching Collaborative: surveys for percent and severity of bleached coral cover across the Hawaiian Archipelago from 2019-08-20 to 2019-12-07 (NCEI Accession 0209239)", "id" : "{2AB76463-C504-4691-8B54-796FC09E682E}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:07:01Z", "summary" : "The data described here result from coral bleaching surveys across the Hawaiian Archipelago from August 20 to December 7, 2019. The data provide information on live coral cover and the percentage and average severity that was bleached, as well as taxa-spe...", "bbox" : [-178.383718, 19.07672, -155.01512, 28.459215], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-178.383718,19.07672], [-178.383718,28.459215], [-155.01512,28.459215], [-155.01512,19.07672], [-178.383718,19.07672] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0209239", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0209239", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B2AB76463-C504-4691-8B54-796FC09E682E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B2AB76463-C504-4691-8B54-796FC09E682E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "CRED Optical Validation Data collected on Hawai'i, Main Hawaiian Islands, USA, in 2015 to support Benthic Habitat Mapping", "id" : "{E5307746-F2BD-4DD9-A07F-14B831700814}", "updated" : "2020-07-08T15:58:25Z", "summary" : "Optical validation data were collected using a Tethered Optical Assessment Device (TOAD), an underwater sled\nequipped with an underwater digital video camera, digital still camera and lights, and a drop camera system\nequipped with underwater digital video...", "bbox" : [-156.160033, 19.772209, -155.824607, 20.083193], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-156.160033,19.772209], [-156.160033,20.083193], [-155.824607,20.083193], [-155.824607,19.772209], [-156.160033,19.772209] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/cms\/", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/cms\/", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BE5307746-F2BD-4DD9-A07F-14B831700814%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BE5307746-F2BD-4DD9-A07F-14B831700814%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Map of percent scleractinian coral cover along camera tow tracks in west Hawaii", "id" : "{3577B998-8A00-4033-A54C-37B673D2CBF2}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T10:44:38Z", "summary" : "This map displays optical validation observation locations and percent coverage of scleractinian coral overlaid on\nbathymetry and landsat imagery northwest of Hawai'i island. Optical data were collected by CRED TOAD camera sled from the\nHawai'ian Islands ...", "bbox" : [-156.099, 19.773, -155.823, 20.061], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-156.099,19.773], [-156.099,20.061], [-155.823,20.061], [-155.823,19.773], [-156.099,19.773] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/MHI_images\/HAW_TOAD_445.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "ftp:\/\/ftp.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/website\/data\/mhi\/optical\/hawaii\/HAW_TOAD_all.zip", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/cms\/data-by-location\/main-hawaiian-islands\/hawaii-big-island\/optical\/", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B3577B998-8A00-4033-A54C-37B673D2CBF2%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B3577B998-8A00-4033-A54C-37B673D2CBF2%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Supporting Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management (EBFM) in meeting multiple objectives for sustainable use of coral reef ecosystem: Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) Ecosystem Model Output Data using a social-ecological system (SES) conceptual framework (NCEI Accession 0240824)", "id" : "{99AE4323-8200-48BF-A7C4-EE97A87A6D3C}", "updated" : "2021-09-17T12:03:31Z", "summary" : "The dataset represented here is the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) model input and output under various scenarios for biomass and catch data, taking into account ecological parameters, different fishing methods, as well as social and economical parameters.\n\nEc...", "bbox" : [-160.5, 18.919, -154.806, 23.185], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-160.5,18.919], [-160.5,23.185], [-154.806,23.185], [-154.806,18.919], [-160.5,18.919] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0240824", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0240824", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B99AE4323-8200-48BF-A7C4-EE97A87A6D3C%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B99AE4323-8200-48BF-A7C4-EE97A87A6D3C%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Management-Strategy Evaluation of the Main Hawaiian Islands with Atlantis Ecosystem Model: Hind-cast simulations and Ecosystem forecasting under climate scenarios (NCEI Accession 0240826)", "id" : "{A7CCE0EA-0843-4AB5-95CB-CA1AB208433E}", "updated" : "2021-09-17T12:03:32Z", "summary" : "The data described here is the Main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) Atlantis Ecosystem model output data for biomass and catch trends of various functional groups under different scenarios. Hind-cast simulations were run for for model validation, and forecast sim...", "bbox" : [-160.5, 18.919, -154.806, 23.185], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-160.5,18.919], [-160.5,23.185], [-154.806,23.185], [-154.806,18.919], [-160.5,18.919] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0240826", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0240826", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BA7CCE0EA-0843-4AB5-95CB-CA1AB208433E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BA7CCE0EA-0843-4AB5-95CB-CA1AB208433E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "CRED Optical Validation Data collected on Hawai'i (Big Island), Main Hawaiian Islands, USA, in 2012 to support Benthic Habitat Mapping", "id" : "{2293349E-130B-43C7-B807-FB008C5DD75A}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T10:42:09Z", "summary" : "Optical validation data were collected using a Tethered Optical Assessment Device (TOAD), an underwater sled\nequipped with an underwater digital video camera, digital still camera and lights, in the Kohala coast area of northwest Hawaii island. Data were...", "bbox" : [-155.922902, 19.909696, -155.836677, 20.051188], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-155.922902,19.909696], [-155.922902,20.051188], [-155.836677,20.051188], [-155.836677,19.909696], [-155.922902,19.909696] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/cms\/data-by-location\/main-hawaiian-islands\/hawaii-big-island\/optical\/", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/cms\/data-by-location\/main-hawaiian-islands\/hawaii-big-island\/optical\/", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B2293349E-130B-43C7-B807-FB008C5DD75A%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B2293349E-130B-43C7-B807-FB008C5DD75A%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "CTD Data of the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT)Program in the North Pacific 100 Miles North of Oahu, Hawaii for Cruises HOT122-154 during 2001-2003. (NODC Accession 0001704)", "id" : "{37C94F3C-5DAD-44F3-8E4D-929F32313016}", "updated" : "2021-01-06T19:43:37Z", "summary" : "The HOT program makes repeated observations of the physics, biology and chemistry at a site approximately 100 km north of Oahu, Hawaii. Two stations are visited about once a month: Kahe Point (Station 1: 21.34N, 158.27W) and Station ALOHA (Station 2: 22....", "bbox" : [-158.27, 21.34, -158.0, 22.75], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-158.27,21.34], [-158.27,22.75], [-158.0,22.75], [-158.0,21.34], [-158.27,21.34] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0001704", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0001704", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B37C94F3C-5DAD-44F3-8E4D-929F32313016%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B37C94F3C-5DAD-44F3-8E4D-929F32313016%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Niskin Bottle Data of the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) program in the North Pacific 100 Miles North of Oahu, Hawaii for Cruises HOT122-154 during 2001-2003. (NODC Accession 0001707)", "id" : "{483A40BE-4CED-46A9-BB76-93B8A1B63FA0}", "updated" : "2021-01-06T19:43:37Z", "summary" : "The HOT program makes repeated observations of the physics, biology and\nchemistry at a site approximately 100 km north of Oahu, Hawaii. Two stations\nare visited about once a month: Kahe Point (Station 1: 21.34N, 158.27W) and\nStation ALOHA (Station 2: 22....", "bbox" : [-158.27, 21.34, -158.0, 22.75], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-158.27,21.34], [-158.27,22.75], [-158.0,22.75], [-158.0,21.34], [-158.27,21.34] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0001707", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0001707", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B483A40BE-4CED-46A9-BB76-93B8A1B63FA0%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B483A40BE-4CED-46A9-BB76-93B8A1B63FA0%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Thermosalinograph Data of the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) program in the North Pacific 100 Miles North of Oahu, Hawaii for Cruises HOT122-154 during 2001-2003. (NODC Accession 0001710)", "id" : "{8A876A09-5218-48AC-9AE1-AA23407067B6}", "updated" : "2021-01-06T19:43:37Z", "summary" : "The HOT program makes repeated observations of the physics, biology and\nchemistry at a site approximately 100 km north of Oahu, Hawaii. Two stations\nare visited about once a month: Kahe Point (Station 1: 21.34N, 158.27W) and\nStation ALOHA (Station 2: 22....", "bbox" : [-158.27, 21.34, -158.0, 22.75], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-158.27,21.34], [-158.27,22.75], [-158.0,22.75], [-158.0,21.34], [-158.27,21.34] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0001710", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0001710", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B8A876A09-5218-48AC-9AE1-AA23407067B6%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B8A876A09-5218-48AC-9AE1-AA23407067B6%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Niskin Bottle Data of the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) program in the North Pacific 100 Miles North of Oahu, Hawaii for Cruises HOT101-121 during 1999-2000. (NODC Accession 0000639)", "id" : "{D33A70A7-9075-463C-ADB8-D58B32D36AE8}", "updated" : "2021-01-06T19:43:34Z", "summary" : "The HOT program makes repeated observations of the physics, biology and\nchemistry at a site approximately 100 km north of Oahu, Hawaii. Two stations\nare visited about once a month: Kahe Point (Station 1: 21.34N, 158.27W) and\nStation ALOHA (Station 2: 22....", "bbox" : [-158.27, 21.34, -158.0, 22.75], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-158.27,21.34], [-158.27,22.75], [-158.0,22.75], [-158.0,21.34], [-158.27,21.34] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/639", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0000639", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BD33A70A7-9075-463C-ADB8-D58B32D36AE8%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BD33A70A7-9075-463C-ADB8-D58B32D36AE8%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Socioeconomic surveys of human use, knowledge, and perceptions in Hawaii from 2020-03-26 to 2020-06-22 (NCEI Accession 0242743)", "id" : "{828060BF-7EDD-4B0E-B7EC-A63BF91B98B8}", "updated" : "2021-12-02T12:05:40Z", "summary" : "The data in this file were collected from a survey of adult residents in Hawaiʻi. The survey respondents were selected from a random stratified sample of households in the islands of Hawaiʻi, Kaua'i, Maui, and O'ahu. These data are the second round of dat...", "bbox" : [-160.581797, 18.766545, -154.702539, 22.311408], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-160.581797,18.766545], [-160.581797,22.311408], [-154.702539,22.311408], [-154.702539,18.766545], [-160.581797,18.766545] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0242743", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0242743", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B828060BF-7EDD-4B0E-B7EC-A63BF91B98B8%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B828060BF-7EDD-4B0E-B7EC-A63BF91B98B8%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Oceanographic data including conductivity, temperature, depth, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and turbidity, collected during towed-diver surveys from 2015-11-3 to 2015-11-18 in the Main Hawaiian Islands to assess damage from the 2015 mass coral bleaching event (NCEI Accession 0189254)", "id" : "{83F4F805-8A7D-4151-8D1E-528A4A038EBC}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:06:26Z", "summary" : "The oceanographic data included in this dataset were collected by the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD; formerly the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division) from November 3-18, 2015 with funding from the NOAA ...", "bbox" : [-157.947, 19.7485, -155.829, 21.3028], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-157.947,19.7485], [-157.947,21.3028], [-155.829,21.3028], [-155.829,19.7485], [-157.947,19.7485] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0189254", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0189254", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B83F4F805-8A7D-4151-8D1E-528A4A038EBC%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B83F4F805-8A7D-4151-8D1E-528A4A038EBC%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Determining Watershed Management Efficacy in West Maui: Belt transect surveys of coral demography (adult and juvenile corals) from 2014 to 2015", "id" : "{BD2BF5B8-C45C-42A5-AED0-54D0BC0DE67D}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:01:34Z", "summary" : "The focus of the Wahikuli-Honokowai Watershed Management Plan is the land use practices and alterations affected in the agricultural and urban districts that have upset the natural drainage patterns and ecohydrologic balance and services the watersheds pr...", "bbox" : [-156.692878, 20.908651, -156.63948046, 21.01574298], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-156.692878,20.908651], [-156.692878,21.01574298], [-156.63948046,21.01574298], [-156.63948046,20.908651], [-156.692878,20.908651] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/data\/NOAA\/nmfs\/pifsc\/cred\/maui_watershed\/BrowseGraphic_450.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0137092", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BBD2BF5B8-C45C-42A5-AED0-54D0BC0DE67D%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BBD2BF5B8-C45C-42A5-AED0-54D0BC0DE67D%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Determining Watershed Management Efficacy in West Maui: line-point-intercept and photo quadrat surveys of benthic communities for benthic cover from 2014 to 2015", "id" : "{49DF8EDC-5F64-4988-99E4-6DC1ECC0AD8A}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:01:34Z", "summary" : "The focus of the Wahikuli-Honokowai Watershed Management Plan is the land use practices and alterations affected in the agricultural and urban districts that have upset the natural drainage patterns and ecohydrologic balance and services the watersheds pr...", "bbox" : [-156.692878, 20.908651, -156.63948046, 21.01574298], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-156.692878,20.908651], [-156.692878,21.01574298], [-156.63948046,21.01574298], [-156.63948046,20.908651], [-156.692878,20.908651] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/data\/NOAA\/nmfs\/pifsc\/cred\/maui_watershed\/BrowseGraphic_450.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0138585", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B49DF8EDC-5F64-4988-99E4-6DC1ECC0AD8A%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B49DF8EDC-5F64-4988-99E4-6DC1ECC0AD8A%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral Bleaching & Recovery Observations using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) Models from Main Hawaiian Islands Fixed Sites Surveyed from 2019 to 2021 (NCEI Accession 0283598)", "id" : "{F03622C1-0EF6-4195-88E0-A10AC1377D33}", "updated" : "2023-10-18T10:16:16Z", "summary" : "Coral adult demographic data described in this dataset are derived from the GIS analysis of benthic photomosaic imagery collected at established fixed sites to assess bleaching recovery from 2019-2021 in the Main Hawaiian Islands. This data includes coral...", "bbox" : [-158.0667, 19.42335, -155.8488, 21.47959], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-158.0667,19.42335], [-158.0667,21.47959], [-155.8488,21.47959], [-155.8488,19.42335], [-158.0667,19.42335] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0283598", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0283598", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BF03622C1-0EF6-4195-88E0-A10AC1377D33%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BF03622C1-0EF6-4195-88E0-A10AC1377D33%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "The relationship between coral reef health, alien algae, and fish biomass at sites on Oahu and the Big Island, Hawaii, during 2004-2005 (NODC Accession 0002619)", "id" : "{58525D5E-6811-462E-A077-FA5BA1628775}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T10:44:44Z", "summary" : "Data in this set come from two studies: \"Ability of protected reefs to resist alien algae\" and\n\"How many fish does it take to keep the alien algae out?\" Both are authored by Ms. Danielle Jayewardene and\nDr. Charles Birkeland of University of Hawaii Manoa...", "bbox" : [-157.712, 19.461, -155.842, 21.275], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-157.712,19.461], [-157.712,21.275], [-155.842,21.275], [-155.842,19.461], [-157.712,19.461] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0002619", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B58525D5E-6811-462E-A077-FA5BA1628775%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B58525D5E-6811-462E-A077-FA5BA1628775%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Hawaii Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP):\nBenthic Data from Rapid Assessment Transects 2001-2004 (NODC Accession 0002464)", "id" : "{95378B1D-E243-423E-B684-8CA7DEFEC545}", "updated" : "2021-01-06T19:43:38Z", "summary" : "This dataset consists of CRAMP Rapid Assessment Transect surveys taken in\n2001-2004 and includes quantitative estimates of substrate type and species.\nThe types and coverages were derived objectively from photographic images\nusing PhotoGrid, a software pa...", "bbox" : [-160.228, 19.425, -155.033, 22.015], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-160.228,19.425], [-160.228,22.015], [-155.033,22.015], [-155.033,19.425], [-160.228,19.425] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0002464", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0002464", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B95378B1D-E243-423E-B684-8CA7DEFEC545%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B95378B1D-E243-423E-B684-8CA7DEFEC545%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Socioeconomic Secondary Data (human population, economic impacts of fishing and tourism, community well being, physical infrastructure and governance) in Hawaii from 1995 to 2018 (NCEI Accession 0191513)", "id" : "{F06B1DC3-1EF9-4720-B8B0-FEA1AED0E9A0}", "updated" : "2021-11-13T12:03:24Z", "summary" : "This dataset is a compilation and synthesis of secondary data in Hawaii corresponding to the following topics: Human population changes near coral reefs, Economic impact of coral reef fishing to jurisdiction, Economic impact of dive\/snorkel tourism to jur...", "bbox" : [-159.812667, 18.906932, -154.799814, 22.231938], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-159.812667,18.906932], [-159.812667,22.231938], [-154.799814,22.231938], [-154.799814,18.906932], [-159.812667,18.906932] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0191513", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0191513", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BF06B1DC3-1EF9-4720-B8B0-FEA1AED0E9A0%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BF06B1DC3-1EF9-4720-B8B0-FEA1AED0E9A0%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Dominant Benthic Structure and Biological Cover Habitat Maps for West Maui and West Hawaii", "id" : "{526ABDB3-492B-4820-B5D0-847E5851676C}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:02:29Z", "summary" : "Benthic habitat maps depict dominant substrate type and biological cover in depths between 0 and ~150 m for two priority sites in the Main Hawaiian Islands; the NOAA Habitat Blueprint West Hawaii Focus Area (WHFA) and the Hawaii Division of Aquatic Resour...", "bbox" : [-156.100504, 19.772429, -155.822838, 20.061727], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-156.100504,19.772429], [-156.100504,20.061727], [-155.822838,20.061727], [-155.822838,19.772429], [-156.100504,19.772429] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.habitatblueprint.noaa.gov\/storymap\/hfa\/hfa_pages\/images\/westHawaii\/location_map.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "ftp:\/\/ftp.soest.hawaii.edu\/pibhmc\/website\/data\/mhi\/benthichabitatlayers\/WestHawaii_dominant.zip", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B526ABDB3-492B-4820-B5D0-847E5851676C%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B526ABDB3-492B-4820-B5D0-847E5851676C%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Socioeconomic surveys of human use, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions in Hawaii from 2014-11-11 to 2014-11-26 (NCEI Accession 0161545)", "id" : "{793A4869-074F-4AD7-BB7D-C93C42685D7E}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:04:09Z", "summary" : "The data in this file comes from a survey of adult residents in Hawaii. The survey was conducted for a random stratified sample of households on the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai in Hawaii in the year 2014. These data were colle...", "bbox" : [-159.812667, 18.906932, -154.799814, 22.231938], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-159.812667,18.906932], [-159.812667,22.231938], [-154.799814,22.231938], [-154.799814,18.906932], [-159.812667,18.906932] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0161545", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0161545", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B793A4869-074F-4AD7-BB7D-C93C42685D7E%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B793A4869-074F-4AD7-BB7D-C93C42685D7E%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral Species, Colony Sizes, and Percent Coverage Based on Photoquadrat Images from the Hawaii Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program: 2000 - 2002, (NODC Accession 0002312)", "id" : "{7DC907C0-00B4-4F4C-94F4-17C09B1F0478}", "updated" : "2020-03-29T10:44:44Z", "summary" : "Fixed photoquadrats are used to examine trends of individual organisms with regards to growth,\nrecruitment and mortality. Five haphazardly selected photoquadrats at each depth contour were established with 4\npins at each corner to ensure accurate repositi...", "bbox" : [-159.7273, 19.5118, -155.0171, 22.2109], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-159.7273,19.5118], [-159.7273,22.2109], [-155.0171,22.2109], [-155.0171,19.5118], [-159.7273,19.5118] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0002312", "type" : "open" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B7DC907C0-00B4-4F4C-94F4-17C09B1F0478%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B7DC907C0-00B4-4F4C-94F4-17C09B1F0478%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Water Temperature Data from Subsurface Temperature Recorders (STRs) deployed at coral reef sites in the Hawaiian Archipelago from 2013-07-13 to 2016-09-28 (NCEI Accession 0162216)", "id" : "{E0F7BEB8-2413-48D5-8C87-ED5789DB24C2}", "updated" : "2023-05-26T20:49:21Z", "summary" : "Water temperature data are collected using subsurface temperature recorders (STRs) that aid in the monitoring of seawater temperature variability at permanent coral reef sites in the Hawaiian and Mariana Archipelagos, American Samoa, and the Pacific Remot...", "bbox" : [-178.384, 19.0607, -154.818, 28.4592], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-178.384,19.0607], [-178.384,28.4592], [-154.818,28.4592], [-154.818,19.0607], [-178.384,19.0607] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0162216", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0162216", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BE0F7BEB8-2413-48D5-8C87-ED5789DB24C2%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BE0F7BEB8-2413-48D5-8C87-ED5789DB24C2%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Structure-from-Motion Coral Demography derived from Stratified Random Site Imagery collected across the Hawaiian Archipelago from 2019-04-21 to 2019-08-03 (NCEI Accession 0253468)", "id" : "{C4816820-B1FC-4D43-B77B-0447CA5EA51D}", "updated" : "2022-06-02T20:35:11Z", "summary" : "Coral adult and juvenile coral colony demographic data described in this dataset are derived from the GIS analysis of benthic photomosaic imagery. The source imagery was collected using a Structure from Motion (SfM) approach during in-water surveys conduc...", "bbox" : [-160.237, 19.07632, -154.8191, 22.14699], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-160.237,19.07632], [-160.237,22.14699], [-154.8191,22.14699], [-154.8191,19.07632], [-160.237,19.07632] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/access\/metadata\/landing-page\/bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0253468", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/archive\/accession\/0253468", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BC4816820-B1FC-4D43-B77B-0447CA5EA51D%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BC4816820-B1FC-4D43-B77B-0447CA5EA51D%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] } ] }