ResourceGuam Local Action Strategy Factsheet
This LAS address the various sources of land based pollution that can have harmful effects on the health of Guam's coral reefs including sediments, fertilizers, sewage, car oil, litter, and household hazardous waste.
ResourceGuam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program. Sticker
Guam Community Coral Reef Monitoring member sticker with the logo 'It's my nature to protect coral reefs.'
ResourceRain garden installation training guide
Metadata Thumbnail The Rain Garden Installation Clinic was held at the Santos Memorial Park and the Piti Church Community Center in Guam, on September 7, 2012. The clinic included classroom sessions on rain garden features, site selection and design, as well as hands-on ins...
ResourceGuam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program. Program Newsletter
"The Guam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program (GCCRMP) is a project established to facilitate sustained community engagement under NMFS PIROs Coral Reef Conservation Program activities. This newsletter introduces readers to the Guam Community Coral Re...
ResourceGuam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program field guide version 2
"This training package produced by the Guam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program (GCCRMP) includes monitoring procedures, guidelines, and data forms to set up a survey site to perform and record findings of a reef flat quantitative invertebrates survey...
ResourceIsland stormwater practice design specifications: A supplement to the 2006 CNMI and Guam stormwater design manual
The CNMI and Guam Stormwater Design Manual was produced by the Horsley Witten Group in 2006. Since that time, various efforts have taken place to incorporate the Manual into policy and practice on the islands. The current effort expands on the Manual by a...
ResourceAn integrated coral reef ecosystem model to support resource management under a changing climate
"Millions of people rely on the ecosystem services provided by coral reefs, but sustaining these benefits requires an understanding of how reefs and their biotic communities are affected by local human-induced disturbances and global climate change. Ecosy...
ResourceManagement strategy evaluation applied to coral reef ecosystems in support of ecosystem-based management
"Ecosystem modelling is increasingly used to explore ecosystem-level effects of changing environmental conditions and management actions. For coral reefs there has been increasing interest in recent decades in the use of ecosystem models for evaluating th...
ResourceWar-in-the-Pacific National Historical Park marine biological survey
"The War-in-the-Pacific National Historical Park (WAPA) consists of 1,960 acres (958 land, 1002 water) in seven discontiguous units. The purpose of the park is to commemorate the bravery and sacrifice of those participating in the campaigns of the Pacific...
ResourceCommunity Monitoring program starts in Piti
ResourceStatus of Coral Reef Fish Assemblages and Benthic Condition Around Guam: A Report Based on Underwater Visual Surveys in Guam and the Mariana Archipelago, April-June 2011
"Coral reef fish and benthos were surveyed at 133 coral reef sites around Guam in May and June 2011 during a Mariana Archipelago Pacific Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program Cruise (MARAMP 2011) and a supplemental survey mission accomplished using a cha...
ResourceGuam Coral Geodatabase. Logistical and administrative support to improve coral reef ecosystem-based management for the Pacific Island Managed and Protected Area Community Network (PIMPAC)
"This report covers activities since the last progress report dated September 10, 2014, and provides a final project summary. The final database included 84, 088 records from 30 different sources. Of these records, 760 were of species considered, but not ...
ResourceGuam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program
"Its our nature to protect coral reefs! Stay updated on coral reef monitoring training sessions and events at various beaches around Guam. This resource was first published in FY2011 and covers FY2012 requirements as well - it is continuously updated."
ResourcePublic Outreach and Education Cumulative Progress Report
ResourceCommunity coral reef monitoring training
Metadata Thumbnail "The Guam Community Coral Reef Monitoring Program (GCCRMP) is a project established to facilitate sustained community engagement under NMFS PIROs Coral Reef Conservation Program activities. This presentation is used to train new program participants on ba...
ResourceWatershed Restoration As A Tool For Improving Coral Reef Resilience Against Climate Change And Other Human Impacts
Environmental stressors in coastal areas threaten the sustainability of marine resources and reduce their resilience to climate change impacts. Accelerated land erosion is a major stressor that leads to increased turbidity and sedimentation on downstream ...
ResourceThe Micronesia Challenge
ResourceData management plan: Coral quadrat observations
"Guam community members will gather benthic cover data using a 0.25m2 quadrat with 6 intersecting points at each meter along a 25-meter transect. Members will identify corals and algae to genus (when possible), seagrass to species, and sponges to phylum. ...
ResourceNew marine algal records from the Polynesia-Micronesia region of the Pacific Ocean
"The first known collections of marine algae from Santa Rosa Reef, a submerged seamount located 46 km south-south-west of Guam in the Mariana Islands, occurred at 10.0 to 13.7 m depths in 2003 and 2005. Dasycladus vermicularis, a green alga known predomin...
ResourceData management plan: Macro-invertebrate observations
"Guam community members will gather macro-invertebrate data within a 2-meter wide belt along a 25-meter transect. Members will identify invertebrates to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Members will quantify the number of macro-invertebrates within th...
ResourceAssessment of turbidity in the Geus River Watershed in Southern Guam
"In February 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the designation of Manell-Geus Watersheds as a Habitat Focus Area because it is valuable as a natural resource to the coastal community of Merizo. As a Habitat Focus A...
ResourceDeveloping the SeaBED AUV as a tool for conducting routine surveys of fish and their habitat in the Pacific
"The Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) and the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) are collaborating with researchers at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to develop the SeaBED autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) to overco...
ResourceGuam Coral Reef Restoration Action Plan for Restoration Goal 1
"Development of Guam's draft action plan for coral reef restoration was led by a core local team of six individuals representing a variety of relevant government entities and the University of Guam. Additional stakeholders were consulted and engaged throu...
ResourceHumatak Foundation Planning Session - Strategic Action Plan (SAP)
"The Humatak Foundation aims to create a sense of environmental stewardship in Guam working with one community at a time. The Humatak environmental philosophy maintains that if a community is educated about the importance of healthy natural resources they...
ResourceWill 2014-2015 be the next big El Nino? If so, what might it mean for coral reefs?
"As of June 2014, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) has issued an El Nino Watch. There is a greater than 70% chance that an El Nino will develop by late 2014. The present c...