Public participation guide in the development and management of natural reserves with marine ecosystems in Puerto Rico
The purpose of this study is to compile in one document different investigations or assignments done by attorneys, alumni of the University of Puerto Rico Law School at the request of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regarding: (...
Chemical contaminants in the coral Porites astreoides from southwest Puerto Rico
This report contains an initial characterization of coral contaminants in southwest Puerto Rico, and is the second report from a project to characterize chemical contaminants in the coral reefs in southwest Puerto Rico, and assess linkages between contami...
The purpose of this Priority Setting document is to articulate a set of strategic coral reef management priorities developed in consensus by coral reef managers in Puerto Rico. NOAA will use this document in conjunction with its 2010-2015 Coral Reef Conse...
Final report of the project, developing a socioeconomic monitoring agenda for marine protected areas in Puerto Rico application of the SOCMON protocol
The main goal of this project was to raise awareness of the human dimension of MPA management and to foster a greater understanding of the need for sound research on socioeconomic indicators. It aimed to improve the capacity of management leaders to addre...
Arrecifes La Cordillera Natural Reserve Management Board agreement
During the calendar years of 2012 and 2013, the East Puerto Rico Coral Reef Education and Management Coordination Specialist for the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, implemented the goal to support the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmen...
Lajas Valley Agricultural Reserve farm inventory of the Guánica Lagoon, El Anegado and adjacent areas Guánica, Puerto Rico
This study summarizes 14,932 acres of the Lajas Valley Agricultural Reserve including, all the parcels within the 5 meter contour plus areas of adjacent contiguous agricultural land (Figure 5) for a total of 179 parcels. It began in the spring of 2011 wit...
Puerto Rican small scale fleet costs and earnings study
This paper describes the main findings of a socio-economic survey of the small-scale commercial fleet in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The survey inquired about household demographics, fishing practices, capital investment in fishing vessels, gear and ...
Reduction and control of sediment-laden runoff near critical coral reef ecosystems through the implementation of BMPs in Culebra, Puerto Rico
Efforts to support and implement the Culebra Community Watershed Action Plan for Coral Reefs and Water Quality has led to unprecedented collaborations between the Municipality of Culebra, the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER), Natio...
Plan para la participación ciudadana y la educación ambiental Reserva Natural Arrecifes La Cordillera (2013-2015)
Este plan de trabajo responde a un esfuerzo interagencial entre el Programa de Conservación de Arrecifes de Coral (Coral Reef Conservation Program, CRCP) de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra...
NOAA selects Puerto Rico's Northeast Reserves and Culebra Island as new habitat focus area
The Northeast Reserves and Culebra Island, located on northeastern Puerto Rico, has been selected a new Habitat Focus Area under NOAA s Habitat Blueprint. This site encompasses the watersheds of the Northeast Ecological Corridor and its related marine are...
Plan de cumplimiento efectivo del reglamento ambiental Reserva Marina Canal de Luis Peña (2013-2015)
Este plan de trabajo corresponde a un esfuerzo entre el Programa de Conservación de Arrecifes de Coral (CRCP) de la Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica Nacional (NOAA), el Departamento deRecursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA), y otras entidades de ...
Plan para el cumplimiento efectivo de la reglamentación ambiental Reserva Natural Arrecifes la Cordillera (2013-2015)
Este Plan de trabajo corresponde a un esfuerzo entre el Programa de Conservación de Arrecifes de Coral (CRCP) de la Administración Oceánica y Atmosférica Nacional (NOAA), el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales (DRNA), y otras entidades de...
Plan para participación y la educatión ambiental Reserva Marina Canal de Luis Peña (2013-2015)
Este plan de trabajo responde a un esfuerzo interagencial entre el Programa de Conservación de Arrecifes de Coral (Coral Reef Conservation Program, CRCP) de la Administración Nacional Oceánica y Atmosférica (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra...
Ridge to Reefs and Protectores de Cuencas have defined a set of methods to stabilize bare soils on high mountain and dry coastal sites in Puerto Rico. These methods are applicable to other sites across the Caribbean and likely into the tropical areas of t...
Ridge to Reefs and Protectores de Cuencas have defined a set of methods to stabilize bare soils on high mountain and dry coastal sites in Puerto Rico. These methods are applicable to other sites across the Caribbean and likely into the tropical areas of t...
As a continuation of our efforts to define, test and implement soil stabilization efforts in high mountain areas of the Guánica watershed in Puerto Rico, we performed stabilization techniques using number of different formulations to determine best pract...
Puerto Rican commercial fishermen : perceptions of marine protective measures : final report
The objective of this project was to investigate fishermen's perceptions about the efficacy of seasonal and area closures in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ... This report shares some of the preliminary and area closures in the Commonwealth of Puerto Ric...
Progress report : Shade Coffee Roundtable Initiative in the Río Loco/Guánica Bay Watershed
This report will provide a description of the RLGBW, the focus areas for the initiative, the criteria developed for the certification process and the progress achieved in the process so far"--Introduction.
Seeding reefs with Diadema antillarum to enhance coral recovery in Puerto Rico, 2014 annual report
This report describes efforts to increase populations of D. antillarum at a reefs in La Parguera and at restored reef in Guayanilla, Puerto Rico and to monitor the results of such efforts. The long-term goal of this project is to enhance coral reef resili...
Mortality, recovery, and community shifts of scleractinian corals in Puerto Rico one decade after the 2005 regional bleaching event
This work analyzes the mortality, recovery, and shifts in the composition of scleractinian corals from Puerto Rico one decade after the 2005 regional coral bleaching event. Temporal and spatial patterns of coral community structure were examined using a s...
Seeding reefs with Diadema antillarum to enhance coral recovery in Puerto Rico 2015-2016 : final report
This document describes the results of a NOAA-funded project intended to restore Diadema antillarum populations on the backreef of Media Luna in La Parguera, Puerto Rico, to monitor and measure the progress of ongoing restoration efforts, and measure the ...
Monitoring of coral reef communities from natural reserves in Puerto Rico
A total of 21 coral reef stations were surveyed in the 2016 coral reef monitoring event. Baseline characterizations (17 reef stations) were produced for reef systems in Mayaguez Bay (Manchas Exteriores 20, 10, Rodriguez 5), Cabo Rojo (Guanajibo 20, El Neg...
Executive summary : DNER Rangers Corp Strategic Plan
The Rangers Corp is an operational arm of the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) whose main function is to protect and guard the natural resources of Puerto Rico, including safeguarding the integrity of marine ecosystems. It has play...
Comparison of Satellite-Based Sea Surface Temperature to In Situ Observations Surrounding Coral Reefs in La Parguera, Puerto Rico
Coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. In the last few decades, a combination of stressors has produced significant declines in reef expanse, with declining reef health attributed largely to thermal stresses. We investiga...
Recovery when you are on your own: Slow population responses in an isolated marine reserve
Geographic isolation is an important yet underappreciated factor affecting marine reserve performance. Isolation, in combination with other factors, may preclude recruit subsidies, thus slowing recovery when base populations are small and causing a mismat...