ResourceSocioeconomic Monitoring Draft Plan Manell-Geus, Guam
"The Manell-Geus watershed on Guam was selected as one of ten Habitat Blueprint Focus Areas across the nation for the Pacific Island region by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 2014. Habitat Blueprint is a national initiative f...
ResourceNOAA selects Guam's Manell-Geus watershed as new habitat focus area
The Manell-Geus watershed on the southern tip of Guam has been selected as the next Habitat Focus Area under NOAA s Habitat Blueprint"--Page [1].
ResourceDesign and implementation of watershed restoration projects in the Manell and Geus Watersheds in southern Guam
"The primary objective of this project was to assess the Manell and Geus Watersheds and design demonstration projects to stabilize stream bank and create riparian buffers in the Manell and Geus Watersheds in Southern Guam. The project objective was to dem...
ResourceGeus/Manell Conservation Action Planning Workshop (September 2010) overview of results : updated with 2013 Merizo community input
A community household survey was conducted during the summer of 2010 by Romina King that attempted to measure attitudes, perceptions, beliefs, and land/marine use patterns in the Manell/Geus (King, in press). Approximately 350 surveys were returned and ta...
ResourceComprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the Manell-Geus watersheds on Guam
This project will develop a comprehensive Watershed Management Plan (WMP) for the Manell-Geus watersheds on Guam in collaboration with local partners and stakeholders. The watershed plan will propose a series of actions to address known sources of land-ba...
ResourceManell-Geus habitat blueprint focus area site
Metadata Thumbnail "Presentation overview explaining the purpose of the NOAA habitat blueprint is to provide a framework to improve habitat for fisheries, marine life, and coastal communities.The focus area objectives are identified; and summaries of the work completed, wor...
ResourceImplementation of Priority Watershed Projects in the Manell-Geus Watershed, Guam
The Manell-Geus watershed was identified as a priority watershed under Guam’s coral reef conservation program in 2009 and as a NOAA Habitat Blueprint Focus Area (HFA) in 2014. The watershed drains into a rich and diverse coastal area that supports cultura...
ResourceIntegrating social and bio-physical monitoring: An initial framework for the Manell-Geus NOAA Habitat Blueprint Focal Area
"The purpose of this guidance brief is to outline how ecosystem monitoring might be integrated across the typically separate disciplines of the biophysical (ecology and oceanography) and social sciences. Despite the need for ecosystem based management (EB...
Downloadable DataNCCOS Assessment: Measurement of Turbidity and Nutrients in Three Rivers that Drain to the Achang Reef Flat from Manell Watershed, Guam, from 2016-12-01 to 2018-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0204837)
Metadata Thumbnail This dataset contains results from the monitoring of nutrients and turbidity in three rivers in the Manell watershed in southern Guam, which drain to the Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserve. The dataset contains a series of data tables and a data dictionary ...
ResourceAssessment of turbidity in the Geus River Watershed in Southern Guam
"In February 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the designation of Manell-Geus Watersheds as a Habitat Focus Area because it is valuable as a natural resource to the coastal community of Merizo. As a Habitat Focus A...
ResourceFish assemblages and benthic communities in the Manell-Geus watershed, Cocos Lagoon and Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserve
In 2014, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) established the Manell-Geus watershed as a Habitat Focus Area (HFA), as part of the Habitat Blueprint, with a range of biological and social objectives. One of those objectives is to impr...
ResourceManell/Geus watershed restoration phase II : final report
The components of this project were the physical characterization of the stream channel, assessments of the riparian vegetation and macrofaunal surveys. In continental systems, assessments of the physical and riparian conditions of streams have been used ...
ResourceMeasurement of Turbidity and Nutrients in Two Rivers that Drain to the Achang Reef Flat from Manell Watershed, Guam
Sedimentation has been identified as a high threat to coral reefs in the Manell-Geus Conservation Action Plan, and nutrients are highlighted in the Manell-Geus Habitat Blueprint. Jurisdictional managers have highlighted the area as being impacted by LBSP....
ResourceAchieving social and ecological goals of coastal management through integrated monitoring
"High school students work alongside foresters in the Manell-Geus Habitat Focus Area to plant trees in watersheds adjacent to sensitive coral reef habitat. Integrated monitoring indicated a disconnect between measured resource status and community percept...
ResourceNovel watershed restoration techniques for the Mariana Islands
Southern Guam reefs have been severely impacted by sedimentation. Much of this sedimentation is the result of denuded hillsides, where heavy rainfall events create massive erosion problems that send tons of soil onto fringing reef systems. Reforestation f...
ResourceCollaborative analysis of national and local survey data to support coral reef management
To better understand ecosystem dynamics and relationships, particularly in the face of climate change, we aim to assess the status and trends of marine communities in response to multiple ocean warming events at scales useful for management. In order to b...
ResourceSocioeconomic monitoring capacity needs assessment survey
Metadata Thumbnail "This report is a deliverable of the project, "Strengthening sustainable socioeconomic monitoring of reef-dependent communities in Micronesia (Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)," funded by the Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) of...
ResourceSocioeconomic Monitoring Guidelines for Coastal Managers in Pacific Island Countries (SEM-Pasifika) Training Workshop, September 28-October 2, 2015, Tumon, Guam
Metadata Thumbnail "SEM-Pasifika is a set of socioeconomic monitoring (SEM) guidelines developed specifically for coastal managers in Pacific Island countries. Since its launch in 2008, several SEM-Pasifika trainings have been conducted throughout Micronesia. Assessments ha...
ResourceMeasurement of Turbidity, Suspended Sediments and Nutrients in Three Rivers that Drain to the Achang Preserve from the Manell Watershed, Guam
The goal of this project, funded by NOAA’s Coral Reef Conservation Program and requested by local partners, was to monitor water quality in three rivers that drain to the Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserve at the southern tip of Guam, in order to provide a ...
ResourceDevelopment and application of an integrated coral reef ecosystem model for management strategy evaluation
Need & Problems addressed: There is little question that declining integrity of coral reef ecosystems around Guam is eroding the ability of these systems to provide the goods and services that humans rely on. It is less clear what to do to reverse this tr...
ResourceStrengthening Sustainable Socioeconomic Monitoring of Reef-Dependent Communities in Micronesia (Guam and Hawaii)
This is Year 3 of an existing CRCP-funded project under the same name. The activities in this proposal focus on Guam and Hawaii, and complement the socioeconomic monitoring aspect of a PIMPAC proposal that covers the Federated States of Micronesia, CNMI, ...
ResourcePreliminary Results: Measurement of Turbidity and Nutrients in Three Rivers that Drain to the Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserve, Guam
"With funding from NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP), scientists from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science are conducting a project in southern Guam with local partners to monitor sediments and nutrients in the Ajayan, Liyog and S...
ResourceCocos Island Guam Passive Water Sampler Study
In 2015, NCCOS scientists characterized chemical contaminants in fish tissues and sediments in Cocos Lagoon, Guam. Very low levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were detected in sediments. Fish caught around Cocos Island at the southern end of Cocos...
ResourceFriends-of-Reef Guam (FOR-Guam) Community Coordination Program
FOR-Guam supports local agencies by contributing to coral reef management through community engagement. Capacity will be built among local community members, through a citizen science approach using volunteers referred to as members of FOR-Guam. A key com...
ResourceMeasurement of sediment loading, turbidity and nutrients in two rivers that drain to the Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserve, Guam
Working closely with local partners, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is conducting a project in southern Guam to monitor sediments and nutrients in the Ajayan and Liyog rivers, which flow from the Manell watershed and empty into...