{ "title" : "CoRIS Geoportal GeoRSS.", "description" : "Most recently updated metadata documents.", "copyright" : "", "provider" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search", "updated" : "2024-05-18T22:48:26Z", "source" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?searchText=%28NA1*+OR+NA2*%29+AND+%28region%3AAmSam+OR+region%3A%22American+Samoa%22%29&max=25&f=pjson", "more" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/find\/document?searchText=%28NA1*+OR+NA2*%29+AND+%28region%3AAmSam+OR+region%3A%22American+Samoa%22%29&max=25&f=pjson&start=11", "totalResults" : 45, "startIndex" : 1, "itemsPerPage" : 25, "records" : [ { "title" : "Territorial Climate Change Adaption Framework", "id" : "{6D5428DC-B098-4E61-B157-0DB6EB5622BA}", "updated" : "2023-01-20T13:36:39Z", "summary" : "This document identifies and develops climate change adaptation strategies specific to American Samoa and its vulnerabilities to climate change. The Territorial Climate Change Adaptation Advisory Group, mandated via Executive Order-002 by Governor Togiola...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/12683", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B6D5428DC-B098-4E61-B157-0DB6EB5622BA%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B6D5428DC-B098-4E61-B157-0DB6EB5622BA%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program : project progress report FY2011\/12", "id" : "{A5EC8AE4-FF73-462E-A153-CB94E95B8ECF}", "updated" : "2023-01-20T13:36:40Z", "summary" : "In 2005 the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR) initiated a comprehensive long-term monitoring program for the reefs in American Samoa, the American Samoa Coral Reef Monitoring Program (ASCRMP). Funding was provided through the Coral Reef C...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/12838", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BA5EC8AE4-FF73-462E-A153-CB94E95B8ECF%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BA5EC8AE4-FF73-462E-A153-CB94E95B8ECF%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "American Samoa Coral Reef Monitoring Program : progress report FY13\/14", "id" : "{20B9D8BB-25B8-4267-9631-84306936F458}", "updated" : "2023-01-20T13:36:52Z", "summary" : "In 2005 the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR) initiated a comprehensive long-term monitoring program for the reefs in American Samoa, the American Samoa Coral Reef Monitoring Program (ASCRMP). Funding was provided through the Coral Reef C...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/repository.library.noaa.gov\/view\/noaa\/16074", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B20B9D8BB-25B8-4267-9631-84306936F458%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B20B9D8BB-25B8-4267-9631-84306936F458%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Stream discharge, turbidity, and suspended sediment concentration in Faga'alu watershed, American Samoa from 2012-01-12 to 2016-11-15 (NCEI Accession 0191818)", "id" : "{F22CE129-36C4-4C2B-A141-B060ECDAFCB1}", "updated" : "2021-08-17T12:06:40Z", "summary" : "Data on water level (stage), turbidity (T), and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) were collected in the Faga'alu watershed in American Samoa from 2012-2016. Stage data were combined with a rating curve to calculate discharge (Q, m3\/s). Monitoring s...", "bbox" : [-170.694, -14.2914, -170.685, -14.2882], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-170.694,-14.2914], [-170.694,-14.2882], [-170.685,-14.2882], [-170.685,-14.2914], [-170.694,-14.2914] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/data.nodc.noaa.gov\/cgi-bin\/gfx?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0191818", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/accession.nodc.noaa.gov\/0191818", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BF22CE129-36C4-4C2B-A141-B060ECDAFCB1%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BF22CE129-36C4-4C2B-A141-B060ECDAFCB1%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Expanding monitoring and modeling of land-based sources of pollution to priority coral reefs in American Samoa", "id" : "{AA92984A-358D-43B0-A5EA-6846851398F9}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:38:13Z", "summary" : "\"The project titled, Expanding monitoring and modeling of land-based sources of pollution to priority coral reefs in American Samoa was granted funding by the FY13 NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program. The application for funding was made via American Sam...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA13NOS4820013\/Biggs2017_American_Samoa_LBSP_Monitoring_Modeling.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BAA92984A-358D-43B0-A5EA-6846851398F9%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BAA92984A-358D-43B0-A5EA-6846851398F9%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Climate change and coral reefs. A teacher's guide for middle and high school - American Samoa", "id" : "{B411EB26-4FEF-4503-8DAE-C18A00CD8FF0}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:38:17Z", "summary" : "\"The purpose of the Climate Change and Coral Reefs Teachers Guide is to provide teachers in American Samoa with lesson plans that will facilitate instruction on climate change and, more specifically, its impacts on the Territorys coral reefs. Coral reefs ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820008\/ClimateChange_Teachers_Guide.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BB411EB26-4FEF-4503-8DAE-C18A00CD8FF0%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BB411EB26-4FEF-4503-8DAE-C18A00CD8FF0%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "American Samoa Strategic Communications Workshop", "id" : "{C4326905-D2CC-4D34-AFB3-7DEF9DAB9658}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:39:08Z", "summary" : "\"The Reef Resilience Network held a three-day Strategic Communications Workshop March 16- 18, 2016 to help marine conservation and education professionals from 11 agencies in American Samoa approach their communications work strategically. Participants le...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820097\/Task3_American_Samoa\/TheNatureConservancy2016_AmerSamoa_StrategicComms_Workshop_Report.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BC4326905-D2CC-4D34-AFB3-7DEF9DAB9658%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BC4326905-D2CC-4D34-AFB3-7DEF9DAB9658%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "How Are American Samoas Coral Reefs Doing? Results from long-term monitoring conducted over the last 25 to 40 years", "id" : "{1031D3F4-988F-4485-8590-85FC289DA2B7}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:40:10Z", "summary" : "\"The aim of this project was to repeat historic surveys conducted in American Samoa to evaluate the health of the coral reefs and fish communities, and to understand the changes that have taken place over the last 25-40 years. Baseline surveys were conduc...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/CRAG2018a_AmerSamoa_HMP_KeyFindings.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B1031D3F4-988F-4485-8590-85FC289DA2B7%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B1031D3F4-988F-4485-8590-85FC289DA2B7%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Promoting the Use of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in American Samoa, Regulatory and Programmatic Recommendations", "id" : "{9ACDF994-584E-4A14-A9DB-8ACB44A575CD}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:40:13Z", "summary" : "\"This report presents recommendations by the Horsley Witten Group (HW) on strategies to improve stormwater management and increase the implementation of green infrastructure (GI) practices in American Samoa, as requested by the Coral Reef Advisory Group (...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/HorsleyWittenGroup2019_Green_Infrastructure_Report.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B9ACDF994-584E-4A14-A9DB-8ACB44A575CD%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B9ACDF994-584E-4A14-A9DB-8ACB44A575CD%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Workshop Report: A group assessment of coral-reef Ecosimystem condition across Tutuila, American Samoa, and modeling the individual contributions from human stressors", "id" : "{F12F2B56-BE5F-4037-A7D0-17FAA0BF1CEE}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:40:32Z", "summary" : "\"The present workshop represented the third collaborative session between Dr. Peter Houk (instructor) and numerous agencies that collect coral-reef and fisheries monitoring datasets, contribute to management decision making, and together have the mandate ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/Houk2017b_modeling.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BF12F2B56-BE5F-4037-A7D0-17FAA0BF1CEE%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BF12F2B56-BE5F-4037-A7D0-17FAA0BF1CEE%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Fish Coloring Book American Samoa", "id" : "{06E16D1C-0BF0-470A-BFB8-2785D191932F}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:40:43Z", "summary" : "", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/Kaitu'u2018_Fish_ColoringBook_AmerSamoa.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B06E16D1C-0BF0-470A-BFB8-2785D191932F%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B06E16D1C-0BF0-470A-BFB8-2785D191932F%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral Reef Facts and Activities", "id" : "{3CC25833-A665-4AC9-8DFC-C1D596902FB6}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:40:43Z", "summary" : "\"This Coral Reef booklet is designed for middle and high school students. This booklet provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding and appreciation of the importance of healthy coral reefs in the territory. This book will also help to ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/Kaitu'u_Coralreef_Activity_Booklet.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B3CC25833-A665-4AC9-8DFC-C1D596902FB6%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B3CC25833-A665-4AC9-8DFC-C1D596902FB6%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Resilient Resources Samoan Language Glossary", "id" : "{4009EF94-037C-4074-9552-F3DDA504C397}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:41:18Z", "summary" : "\"This glossary was developed for the Samoan language, in order to better explain concepts related to climate change, resilience and natural resource protection in the native Samoan language throughout the Samoan archipelago. Presently, words including res...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/CRAG2018b_ProjectLotonuu_ClimateChange_Glossary.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B4009EF94-037C-4074-9552-F3DDA504C397%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B4009EF94-037C-4074-9552-F3DDA504C397%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Terrigenous sediment dynamics in a small, tropical, fringing-reef embayment", "id" : "{E441B6C8-29D1-44FA-A985-E3ABF4638040}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:41:36Z", "summary" : "\"Anthropogenic watershed disturbance by industry, agriculture, deforestation, roads, and urbanization alters the timing, composition, and mass of sediment loads to coral reefs, causing enhanced sediment stress on corals near the outlets of impacted waters...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA13NOS4820013\/Messina2016a_Terrigenous_Sediment_Dynamics.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BE441B6C8-29D1-44FA-A985-E3ABF4638040%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BE441B6C8-29D1-44FA-A985-E3ABF4638040%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Oceans and climate change in American Samoa", "id" : "{571D02C5-944E-4B93-BD13-DCADD914CE98}", "updated" : "2020-05-16T14:46:36Z", "summary" : "\"This book is intended for grades 4-6. It was created to introduce American Samoan students to how climate change will affect oceans in the territory. A companion answer key is available. This book was created by Clare Shelton and the Governors Coral Reef...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820008\/ClimateChange_Activity_Book_Cover.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820008\/ClimateChange_Activity_Book.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B571D02C5-944E-4B93-BD13-DCADD914CE98%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B571D02C5-944E-4B93-BD13-DCADD914CE98%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Pathogenesis, associated morbidity and potential control of Acropora growth anomalies in American Samoa", "id" : "{A58F69DE-F05D-4C49-A73C-FDC7A048744F}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T15:59:34Z", "summary" : "\"Project objectives: 1. Conduct quantitative surveys to determine the prevalence (proportion of colonies affected) and incidence (change in disease through time) of Acropora growth anomalies in American Samoa. 2. Determine the effect of growth anomalies o...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/Domestic_FMC_CoRIS_Products\/NA11NOS4820018_FinalReport.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BA58F69DE-F05D-4C49-A73C-FDC7A048744F%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BA58F69DE-F05D-4C49-A73C-FDC7A048744F%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "American Samoa coral reef educational materials", "id" : "{45F5F0FD-CADF-4C69-9782-3D432BCDD072}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:00:19Z", "summary" : "\"This is a collection of 18 posters created as a joint effort of American Samoa Governors Coral Reef Advisory Group (CRAG) and of NOAAs Coral Reef Conservation grant program. These outreach and educational posters cover issues such as programs to return t...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820008\/AmericanSamoa_Brochures.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B45F5F0FD-CADF-4C69-9782-3D432BCDD072%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B45F5F0FD-CADF-4C69-9782-3D432BCDD072%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Control of Crown of Thorns Starfish at the National Park of America Samoa", "id" : "{B6D22EC5-147C-4A2C-9AB6-EBAD973F1500}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:00:34Z", "summary" : "\"Outbreak levels of COTs were detected in American Samoa in November 2011.From 2011 to 2013 the outbreak was sporadically tracked and some removal efforts were conducted by NPSA and other resource managers from the local Coral Reef Advisory Group (CRAG) a...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/Clark2014_NPSA_COTStarfish_Report.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BB6D22EC5-147C-4A2C-9AB6-EBAD973F1500%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BB6D22EC5-147C-4A2C-9AB6-EBAD973F1500%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "American Samoa lunar calendar 2011", "id" : "{095E373D-ABF1-487C-92C0-1A1F01DD1021}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:00:50Z", "summary" : "\"The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (WPRFMC) produced this 2011 lunar calendar based on the traditional knowledge and language of Samoans in the American Samoa Archipelago. Each year since 2007, WPRFMC has partnered with communities t...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/Domestic_FMC_CoRIS_Products\/NA10NMF4410061_AS_LunarCal2011_Final_Cover_Page_01.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/Domestic_FMC_CoRIS_Products\/NA10NMF4410061_AS_LunarCal2011_Final.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B095E373D-ABF1-487C-92C0-1A1F01DD1021%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B095E373D-ABF1-487C-92C0-1A1F01DD1021%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral Reef Ecosystems", "id" : "{51430140-3626-40B0-B29E-1E0F5B03A0BC}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:01:59Z", "summary" : "\"Resilience in American Samoa: What's the connection? How to ensure coral reef ecosystems are resilient and protected from the effects of sedimentation, excess nutrients, coral bleaching, hurricanes, crown of thorns etc. Coral Reef ecosystems - sub-themes...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/NOS\/OCM\/Projects\/198\/NA15NOS4820038\/Kaitu'u_Coral_Ecosystem_LessonPlan.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B51430140-3626-40B0-B29E-1E0F5B03A0BC%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B51430140-3626-40B0-B29E-1E0F5B03A0BC%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Connectivity between MPA sites on Tutuila, American Samoa", "id" : "{60FE07C4-8FA9-421B-B3B9-9313FEBA3B68}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:02:30Z", "summary" : "\"Coral reefs in American Samoa are characterized by low abundances of certain key reef species and few apex predators. In addition, many locations are impacted by polluted watersheds, sediment run-off and seasonal increases in sea temperatures. The causes...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/project\/1021\/NA10NMF4630360_final_report_3_17_14.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B60FE07C4-8FA9-421B-B3B9-9313FEBA3B68%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B60FE07C4-8FA9-421B-B3B9-9313FEBA3B68%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Contribution of human activities to suspended sediment yield during storm events from a small, steep, tropical watershed", "id" : "{CB3FC7EC-D624-4683-826A-97DA15A451A3}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:02:38Z", "summary" : "\"Suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) and yields (SSY) were measured during storm and non-storm periods from undisturbed and human-disturbed portions of a small (1.8 km2), mountainous watershed that drains to a sediment-stressed coral reef. Event-wise ...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BCB3FC7EC-D624-4683-826A-97DA15A451A3%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BCB3FC7EC-D624-4683-826A-97DA15A451A3%7D", "type" : "metadata" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.jhydrol.2016.03.053", "type" : "customLink" } ] }, { "title" : "Coral reef fishery assessment in American Samoa", "id" : "{6B30C7CE-7650-4406-9597-EDC160679EF3}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:04:15Z", "summary" : "\"Factors that affect coral reef fishery ecosystems can be grouped into two categories: man-made and natural disturbances. Presumably these factors interact as well and their interactions probably compound their impacts. Jackson (1997) has made to date the...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/Domestic_FMC_CoRIS_Products\/NA10NMF4410061_AS_EcosystemImpactAssessment_Cover_Page_01.jpg", "type" : "thumbnail" }, { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/Domestic_FMC_CoRIS_Products\/NA10NMF4410061_AS_EcosystemImpactAssessment.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B6B30C7CE-7650-4406-9597-EDC160679EF3%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B6B30C7CE-7650-4406-9597-EDC160679EF3%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "Nutrient pollution reduction in American Samoa", "id" : "{A9463897-EF2B-4E92-876E-AC99ECA4B048}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:04:45Z", "summary" : "\"Reduce nutrient run-off to coral reefs by testing 100 detergents for reactive and total phosphate content. A total of 138 different types of detergent and soap products were tested for Phosphorus concentrations. Water samples from seven streams were coll...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NFWF\/NA10NOS4630103_Final_Reports\/21921_forweb.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7BA9463897-EF2B-4E92-876E-AC99ECA4B048%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7BA9463897-EF2B-4E92-876E-AC99ECA4B048%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] }, { "title" : "American Samoa Climate Change Mitigation Executive Order 03-2012", "id" : "{0DDE9583-00FD-4235-9B02-9CABFF375EA9}", "updated" : "2020-09-04T16:05:27Z", "summary" : "\"American Samoa Climate Change Mitigation Executive Order 03-2012 implemented rules to help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in American Samoa. This American Samoan Government (ASG) Executive Order (EO) will be reviewed at least every three years for eff...", "bbox" : [-171.541907, -15.25183, -167.551612, -10.207203], "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [-171.541907,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-10.207203], [-167.551612,-15.25183], [-171.541907,-15.25183] ] ] }, "links" : [ { "href" : "https:\/\/www.ncei.noaa.gov\/data\/oceans\/coris\/library\/NOAA\/CRCP\/other\/grants\/NA11NOS4820008\/ClimateChange_Mitigation_Rule.pdf", "type" : "website" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/catalog\/search\/resource\/details.page?uuid=%7B0DDE9583-00FD-4235-9B02-9CABFF375EA9%7D", "type" : "details" }, { "href" : "http:\/\/www.coris.noaa.gov\/search\/rest\/document?id=%7B0DDE9583-00FD-4235-9B02-9CABFF375EA9%7D", "type" : "metadata" } ] } ] }