ResourceChuuk State, FSM Enforcement Workshop October 29- November 02, 2017
"In Chuuk State of the Federated States of Micronesia PIMPAC, TNC and Rare Micronesia combined resources and efforts to increase enforcement capacity from October 29 to November 02, 2017. Mr. Wayne Andrew and Angel Jonathan as PIMPAC Regional Mentors coor...
ResourcePohnpei State, FSM Fisheries Symposium October 23-27, 2017
"Pohnpei State has seen alarming decline in its coastal fisheries over the last 15 plus years as scientist studying the Coast Fisheries of Pohnpei State such as Dr. Kevin Rohdes and others will attest to. Even over the last 15 years communities and partne...
ResourceFriends of Reefs Guam Site Scorecard (Online Version)
ResourceFriends of Reefs Guam Site Scorecard (Print Version)
ResourceNCRMP Socioeconomic Monitoring for CNMI
ResourceNCRMP Socioeconomic Monitoring for USVI
ResourceCocos Island, Guam: Passive water sampling to inform restoration efforts
"What is the size and shape of a license plate and will monitor the waters of Cocos Island for the presence of chemical contaminants? In September, a team of scientists will deploy a series of passive water samplers known as PEDs, short for polyethylene d...
ResourceCommunity-based Subsistence Fishing Practitioner Survey
"The Community-based Subsistence Fishing Practitioner (CBSFP) survey is a voluntary social survey designed to help communities collect any necessary information to support the designation, evaluation, and adaptive management of CBSFAs. The CBSFP survey wa...
ResourceSocioeconomic Assessment training on survey data collection and using EXCEL for basic data analysis
ResourceSocioeconomic Data Analysis Training Workshop
"This document compiles presentation slides that were used in the socioeconomic data analysis training workshop in Koror, Palau, from September 12-17, 2016. The workshop was funded by NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program, with financial and logistical s...