ResourceTerrigenous sediment dynamics in a small, tropical, fringing-reef embayment
"Anthropogenic watershed disturbance by industry, agriculture, deforestation, roads, and urbanization alters the timing, composition, and mass of sediment loads to coral reefs, causing enhanced sediment stress on corals near the outlets of impacted waters...
ResourceThe Combined Effects of Increased Temperature and Ocean Acidification on the Early Life History Stages of Caribbean Coral and its Implication for the Recovery Potential of Florida Reefs
"The early life history stages of coral are an essential component determining the recovery potential of coral reefs through sexual reproduction and recruitment. The pelagic larval phase is inherent in all coral species regardless of differing reproductiv...
ResourceFrom the forest to the sea: Lessons in managing public space
"In 2004, a report from the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (USCOP) documented a broad range of ecological problems in U.S. ocean waters, including declining fish stocks, changes in marine biodiversity, coastal habitat loss, and hypoxic dead zones,? as we...
ResourceBiological-physical interactions in Pacific coral reef ecosystems
"Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and productive marine ecosystems on earth. They are also among the most threatened by human disturbance. On a local scale, many of these systems are subject to over-fishing and land-based pollution, and on a globa...
ResourceDynamics of sea temperature variability on Florida's reef tract
"Variability in 5- to 25-year records of hourly mean in situ sea temperature, ocean currents, and meteorology at diverse shallow-water habitats in the Florida reef tract (FRT) is analyzed. Tidal, diurnal, and annual periodicities generally dominate sea te...
ResourceCommunity structure, life history, and movement patterns of parrotfishes: Large protogynous fishery species
"Populations of large protogynous coral reef fishes such as parrotfish are diminishing worldwide. Management strategies to mitigate anthropogenic stressors on these fish are hampered by a paucity of basic biological data, and reproductive and population d...
ResourceMasking Environmental Feedback: Misfits Between Institutions and Ecosystems in Belize and Thailand
Doctoral thesis which proposes that a lack of ecological knowledge leads to poor ecosystem management, and addresses the need to better understand social-ecological systems and the role humans play in feedback management in their governance systems. Exami...
ResourceA Mathematical Programming and Simulation-Based Approach to Determining Critical Factors in the Design of Effective Marine Reserve Plans for Coral Reef Fishes
Describes research into advanced techniques from the fields of spatial modeling, operations research, and fisheries management to determine critical factors for design of effective marine reserve plans for providing for sustainable reef fish stocks. Discu...
ResourceWest Maui Ridge to Reef Initiative website
"The West Maui Ridge to Reef (R2R) Initiative is an all- encompassing approach across multiple agencies and organizations to address adverse impacts to coral reefs in West Maui. The State recognized that an integrated and comprehensive approach to reduce ...
ResourcePopulation dynamics of the threatened Atlantic Elkhorn Coral
"Fossil data from multiple locations indicates that Atlantic Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata, formed and occupied shallow reefs throughout the Caribbean Sea since the Pleistocene. Since the 1980s A. palmata has declined to a small fraction of its formerly...