ResourceIslands in the Stream 2002 [electronic resource] : exploring underwater oases. Leg 3, Highlight photos / [U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean Exploration].
This collection of digital photographs was generated by observations conducted during leg 3 of the NOAA Ocean Exploration Program expedition, "Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases, " conducted from Aug. 16-Aug. 31, 2002 by staff of the H...
ResourceDiscovery of new resources with pharmaceutical potential (pharmaceutical discovery) [electronic resource] / by Shirley Pomponi, Co-Chief Scientist, John Reed, Co-Chief Scientist, Pharmaceutical Discovery, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. Exploration of vision and bioluminescence in deep-sea benthos (vision and bioluminescence) / Tammy Frank, Co-Chief Scientist, Edie Widder, Co-Chief Scientist, Vision and Bioluminescence, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution.
"The science party for this leg of the expedition consisted of two groups of scientists from the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. The first group searched for previously undiscovered compounds in marine organisms that may be able to study, treat, ...
ResourceIslands in the Stream 2002 [electronic resource] : exploring underwater oases. Leg 1, Highlight photos / [U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean Exploration].
This collection of digital photographs was generated by observations conducted during leg1 of the NOAA Ocean Exploration Program expedition, "Islands in the Stream 2002: Exploring Underwater Oases," conducted from July 27-Aug. 5, 2002. The mission focused...
ResourceFisheye view cam movies [electronic resource] / Quantum Leap Network.
"A living reef aquarium featuring corals, invertebrates and tropical fish with live views, archived images, time-lapse movies and more ..."