ResourcePIFSC Coral Reef Ecosystem Program (CREP)
The mission of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Program at the NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center is to ensure long-term viability of coral reef ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago and other U.S.-related islands in the Pacific Ocean. CREP staff cond...
ResourceNOAA PIFSC - Fisheries Research and Monitoring Division
"The Fisheries Research and Monitoring Division provides fundamental biological and ecological research on Federally managed species to allow for improved understanding of the mechanisms that influence resource distribution and abundance."
ResourcePacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)
PIFSC is responsible for monitoring and research support for coral reef ecosystems in Hawaii and the Central & Western Pacific. This includes habitat mapping and characterization, physical and biological monitoring, assessment and research on Pacific ...
ResourceNew data on benthic cover at Guam now available
"To improve understanding of islandwide trends, CRED scientists have determined benthic cover around Guam at the functional level-corals, algae (fleshy macroalgae and turf algae combined), and crustose coralline red algae-through analyses of digital image...
ResourceAmerican Samoa Methods Documentation
"This methods documentation is part of a project out of NOAA's Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center. The goal is to collate and integrate, where possible, coral reef data sets and data streams collected by jurisdictional partners in American Samoa into...
ResourceLinking Watershed Activities to Reef Health in American Samoa: Land-Based Sources of Pollution Impacts on Aua Coral Reefs
"The overarching goals of this project were to establish a water quality and biological baseline for reefs in Aua, American Samoa, and provide managers with recommendations on how to reduce land-based sources of pollution (LBSP) in order to protect their ...
ResourceSediment Pollution Changing Aua Reefs
"In September of 2022, staff from NOAAs Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center's Ecosystems Science Division, conducted underwater surveys in Aua, American Samoa to determine coral cover and coral demographics at 18 sites along a range of water pollutio...