ResourceOcean acidification of the Greater Caribbean Region 1996-2006
"The global oceans serve as the largest sustained natural sink for increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. As this CO2 is absorbed by seawater, it not only reacts causing a reduction in seawater pH (or acidification) but also decreases...
ResourceThe population genetic structure of a common tropical damselfish on the Great Barrier Reef and eastern Papua New Guinea
"Understanding patterns of connectivity in marine species is vital for the management and conservation of marine biodiversity. Here, the population genetic structure of a common and abundant tropical reef damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis, is reported. ...
ResourcePrediction of coral bleaching in the Florida Keys using remotely sensed data
"Shallow water tropical coral reefs may bleach due to extremes in a variety of environmental factors. Of particular concern have been temperature, ultraviolet radiation, and photosynthetically available radiation. Satellite observation systems allow synop...
ResourceCoral disease dynamics at a subtropical location, Solitary Islands Marine Park, eastern Australia.
"Recent observations suggest that a spreading disease is increasingly contributing to hard coral mortality in the Solitary Islands Marine Park, NSW, Australia. This study determined coral disease prevalence and rate-of-spread through individual affected c...
ResourceComparing bleaching and mortality responses of hard corals between southern Kenya and the Great barrier Reef, Australia
"We compared the bleaching and mortality response (BMI) of 19 common scleractinian corals to an anomalous warm-water event in 1998 to determine the degree of variation between depths, sites, and regions. Mombasa corals experienced a greater temperature an...
ResourceSkeletal ecosystems of bleaching reveal different thermal thresholds of Pacific coral reef assemblages
"Ocean warming is negatively impacting coral reef ecosystems and considerable effort is currently invested in projecting coral reef futures under 21st century climate change. A limiting factor in these projections is lack of quantitative data on the therm...
ResourceEffects of SCUBA bubbles on counts of roving piscivores in a large remote marine protected area
This study examined the effects of SCUBA bubbles on fish counts in underwater visual surveys conducted in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM). Specifically, paired fish surveys were conducted at each survey site, utilizing two different ...
ResourceGeographic variation in clonal structure in a reef building Caribbean coral, Acropora palmata
"Species that build the physical structure of ecosystems often reproduce clonally, both in terrestrial (e.g., grasses, trees) and marine (e.g., corals, seagrasses) environments. The degree of clonality may vary over a species' range in accordance with the...
ResourcePopulation dynamics of the threatened Atlantic Elkhorn Coral
"Fossil data from multiple locations indicates that Atlantic Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata, formed and occupied shallow reefs throughout the Caribbean Sea since the Pleistocene. Since the 1980s A. palmata has declined to a small fraction of its formerly...
ResourceMonitoring of coral reef communities from natural reserves in Puerto Rico
A total of 21 coral reef stations were surveyed in the 2016 coral reef monitoring event. Baseline characterizations (17 reef stations) were produced for reef systems in Mayaguez Bay (Manchas Exteriores 20, 10, Rodriguez 5), Cabo Rojo (Guanajibo 20, El Neg...