ResourcePrediction of coral bleaching in the Florida Keys using remotely sensed data
"Shallow water tropical coral reefs may bleach due to extremes in a variety of environmental factors. Of particular concern have been temperature, ultraviolet radiation, and photosynthetically available radiation. Satellite observation systems allow synop...
ResourceEstimating the role of three mesopredatory fishes in coral reef food webs at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
"Within the complex food webs that occur on coral reefs, mesopredatory fish consume small-bodied prey and transfer accumulated biomass to other trophic levels. We estimated biomass, growth and mortality rates of three common mesopredators from Ningaloo Re...
ResourceHigh flow conditions mediate damaging impacts of sub-lethal thermal stress on corals’ endosymbiotic algae
The effects of thermal anomalies on tropical coral endosymbiosis can be mediated by a range of environmental factors, which in turn ultimately influence coral health and survival. One such factor is the water flow conditions over coral reefs and corals. A...
ResourceLinkages between habitats are essential for reef fishes
"In coral reef ecosystems, numerous habitat types support key life stages of juvenile fishery species and other nekton (mobile fishes, shrimps, crabs, and lobsters). Seagrass beds, mangroves, sand and mud bottoms, algal plains, and coral reefs are connect...