ResourcePrediction of coral bleaching in the Florida Keys using remotely sensed data
"Shallow water tropical coral reefs may bleach due to extremes in a variety of environmental factors. Of particular concern have been temperature, ultraviolet radiation, and photosynthetically available radiation. Satellite observation systems allow synop...
ResourceLobster trap impact on coral reefs: effects of wind-driven trap movement
"Commercial fishers report finding their lobster traps often great distances from their original location following major hurricanes. But traps also move during lesser wind events, such as during winter cold fronts. To assess trap impact on coral communit...
ResourceIntercolony δ18O and Sr/Ca variability among Porites spp. corals at Palmyra Atoll: Toward more robust coral‐based estimates of climate
Quantitative estimates of natural climate variability are required to detect anthropogenic climate trends in the tropical Pacific; however, instrumental records from this region are too short and scarce. Coral oxygen isotopic (δ18O) and strontium to calci...