ResourceLobster trap impact on coral reefs: effects of wind-driven trap movement
"Commercial fishers report finding their lobster traps often great distances from their original location following major hurricanes. But traps also move during lesser wind events, such as during winter cold fronts. To assess trap impact on coral communit...
ResourceDensities and drivers of sea turtle populations across Pacific coral reef ecosystems
Sea turtle populations are often assessed at the regional to sub-basin scale from discrete indices of nesting abundance. While this may be practical and sometimes effective, widespread in-water surveys may enhance assessments by including additional demog...
ResourceGeographic variation in clonal structure in a reef building Caribbean coral, Acropora palmata
"Species that build the physical structure of ecosystems often reproduce clonally, both in terrestrial (e.g., grasses, trees) and marine (e.g., corals, seagrasses) environments. The degree of clonality may vary over a species' range in accordance with the...
ResourceAssessing the impacts of the invasive seagrass, Halophila stipulacea, and two major hurricanes on the distribution of native seagrass communities of Culebra Island, Puerto Rico
"This study was funded by the Coral Reef Conservation Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to better understand the distribution of the invasive seagrass, Halophila stipulacea, in Culebra Island, Puerto Rico. A total of 200 sites...