Downloadable DataNOAA Coral Reef Watch Marine Heatwave Watch
Metadata Thumbnail Marine Heatwaves are prolonged periods of anomalously high sea surface temperature (SST). In effect, they are categorized anomalies of SST compared with a long-term, high, daily SST threshold. The daily global 5km-resolution Marine Heatwave Watch (MHW) pr...
Offline DataLeeward Oahu Pelagic Ecosystem Characterization (LOPEC-1) (SE1703, EK60)
The first primary component of LOPEC-1 on SE1703 was to perform a midwater trawl and bongo net survey from the Oscar Elton Sette to compare to a series of trawl and bongo net surveys from 1951-1978 off leeward Oahu, henceforth referred to as the baseline ...