ResourceCommercial coral-reef fisheries across Micronesia: A need for improving management
"A dearth of scientific data surrounding Micronesias coral-reef fisheries has limited their formal assessment and continues to hinder local and regional management efforts. We approach this problem by comparing catch-based datasets from market landings ac...
ResourceNMR-based microbial metabolomics and the temperature-dependent coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus
"Coral bleaching occurs when the symbioses between coral animals and their zooxanthellae is disrupted, either as part of a natural cycle or as the result of unusual events. The bacterium Vibrio coralliilyticus (type strain ATCC BAA-450) has been linked to...
ResourceDensity dependent settlement and mortality structure the earliest life phases of a coral population
"The local densities of heterospecifics and conspecifics are known to have profound effects on the dynamics of many benthic species, including rates of settlement and early post-settlement survivorship. We described the early life history of the Caribbean...
ResourceFishery dependent sampling of Nassau grouper spawning aggregations in Long Island, Bahamas
ResourceStrengthening Sustainable Socioeconomic Monitoring of Reef-Dependent Communities in Micronesia (Guam and Hawaii)
This is Year 3 of an existing CRCP-funded project under the same name. The activities in this proposal focus on Guam and Hawaii, and complement the socioeconomic monitoring aspect of a PIMPAC proposal that covers the Federated States of Micronesia, CNMI, ...
ResourceCoral Disease Time Series Highlight Size-Dependent Risk and Other Drivers of White Syndrome in a Multi-Species Model
Coral diseases contribute to the decline of reef communities, but factors that lead to disease are difficult to detect. In the present study, we develop a multi-species model of colony-scale risk for the class of coral diseases referred to as White Syndro...
ResourceDepth-Dependent Genetic Structuring of a Depth-Generalist Coral and Its Symbiodiniaceae Algal Communities at Campeche Bank, Mexico
Depth-generalist coral holobionts inhabit shallow (0–30 m) and mesophotic (30–150 m) reef zones but may exhibit genetic specialization as a result of adaptations to environmental shifts and/or due to a lack of dispersal across depth. The level of depth-de...
ResourceBiological and ecological assessment of juvenile humphead wrasse from fisheries independent and dependent surveys on Saipan
The Humphead Wrasse (HHW), Chelinus undulatus, is found in coral reef ecosystems throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Exhibiting a moderately long life span, low natural mortality rate and protogynous hermaphroditism, it is sensitive to unrestricted fishin...
ResourceSpatial scale-dependent habitat heterogeneity influences submarine canyon macrofaunal abundance and diversity off the Main and Northwest Hawaiian Islands
"The mapping of biodiversity on continental margins on landscape scales is highly relevant to marine spatial planning and conservation. Submarine canyons are widespread topographic features on continental and island margins that enhance benthic biomass ac...
ResourceSize-dependent and age-based female fecundity and reproductive output for three Hawaiian goatfish (Family Mullidae) species, Mulloidichthys flavolineatus (yellowstripe goatfish), M. vanicolensis (yellowfin goatfish), and Parupeneus porphyreus (whitesaddle goatfish)
"The goals of this project were to address current deficits of knowledge regarding aspects of reproductive biology and life history for three Hawaiian goatfish species Mulloidichthys flavolineatus (yellowstripe goatfish), M. vanicolensis (yellowfin goatfi...