ResourceLiterature review : seagrass and mangrove habitats as reef fish nursery habitats and cumulative impacts from coastal construction in Florida, USA / submitted by Stephanie Williams ; submitted to Jocelyn Karazsia, National Marine Fisheries Service.
ResourceGenet-specific spawning patterns in Acropora palmata
The broadcast spawning elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, requires outcrossing among different genets for effective fertilization. Hence, a low density of genets in parts of its range emphasizes the need for precise synchrony among neighboring genets as spe...
ResourceLarval longevity and competency patterns of Caribbean reef-building corals
The potential for long-distance larval dispersal depends on the longevity of planktonic, free-swimming larvae and their capacity to successfully recruit to reef habitat. We present multi-year laboratory observations of the persistence of planular larvae a...
ResourceGross manifestations of acroporid white disease(s): A continuum from white band to white pox
ResourceNeighboring colonies influence uptake of thermotolerant endosymbionts in threatened Caribbean coral recruits
Intervention strategies to enhance coral resilience include manipulating associations with algal endosymbionts. While hosting thermotolerant Durusdinium trenchii can increase bleaching thresholds in Caribbean coral adults, its effects remain largely unkno...
ResourceWhat drives phenotypic divergence among coral clonemates of Acropora palmata?
Evolutionary rescue of populations depends on their ability to produce phenotypic variation that is heritable and adaptive. DNA mutations are the best understood mechanisms to create phenotypic variation, but other, less well‐studied mechanisms exist. Mar...
ResourceSynchronous spawning of nursery-raised elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata) outplanted to reefs in the Florida Keys (United States)
Here, we provide the first reports of spawning activity by Acropora palmata colonies outplanted to reefs in Florida, USA. In 2020, we observed light spawning from A. palmata colonies five years after they had been outplanted on two Florida reefs. In 2021 ...
ResourcePhylogeny of deepwater snappers (Genus Etelis) reveals a cryptic species pair in the Indo-Pacific and Pleistocene invasion of the Atlantic
Evolutionary genetic patterns in shallow coastal fishes are documented with dozens of studies, but corresponding surveys of deepwater fishes (>200 m) are scarce. Here we investigate the evolutionary history of deepwater snappers (genus Etelis), comprised ...
ResourceEffects of SCUBA bubbles on counts of roving piscivores in a large remote marine protected area
This study examined the effects of SCUBA bubbles on fish counts in underwater visual surveys conducted in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM). Specifically, paired fish surveys were conducted at each survey site, utilizing two different ...
ResourceOcean currents magnify upwelling and deliver nutritional subsidies to reef-building corals during El Niño heatwaves
Marine heatwaves are triggering coral bleaching events and devastating coral populations globally, highlighting the need to identify processes promoting coral survival. Here, we show that acceleration of a major ocean current and shallowing of the surface...