ResourceGenet-specific spawning patterns in Acropora palmata
The broadcast spawning elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, requires outcrossing among different genets for effective fertilization. Hence, a low density of genets in parts of its range emphasizes the need for precise synchrony among neighboring genets as spe...
ResourceTracking growth and survival of rescued boulder corals
ResourceHow old are you? Genet age estimates in a clonal animal
Foundation species such as redwoods, seagrasses and corals are often long‐lived and clonal. Genets may consist of hundreds of members (ramets) and originated hundreds to thousands of years ago. As climate change and other stressors exert selection pressur...
Offline DataPopulation Monitoring of Acropora palmata and its predator, Coralliophila abbreviata, in the upper Florida Keys 1998 to 2004
This record refers to ongoing population surveys of corallivorous snail, C. abbreviata, and two of its coral hosts, Acropora palmata, and Montastraea spp at six reef sites (three open and three in no-take zones) in the upper Florida Keys National Marine S...
ResourceLarval longevity and competency patterns of Caribbean reef-building corals
The potential for long-distance larval dispersal depends on the longevity of planktonic, free-swimming larvae and their capacity to successfully recruit to reef habitat. We present multi-year laboratory observations of the persistence of planular larvae a...
ResourceNeighboring colonies influence uptake of thermotolerant endosymbionts in threatened Caribbean coral recruits
Intervention strategies to enhance coral resilience include manipulating associations with algal endosymbionts. While hosting thermotolerant Durusdinium trenchii can increase bleaching thresholds in Caribbean coral adults, its effects remain largely unkno...
ResourceElkhorn coral and white pox: An answer and more questions
A common bacterium, Serratia marcescens, has been identified as causing 'white pox' disease of elkhorn coral. Even though humans carry this bacterium, it is also found from non-human sources.
ResourceEffectiveness of corallivorous snail removal
"There has been a marked decline in the abundance of the Caribbean elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata in recent decades. Natural and anthropogenic factors such as disease, storm damage, and bleaching interact synergistically to affect the health and abundanc...
ResourceEffectiveness of the Oculina HAPC: Monitoring coral health and use of the closed and adjacent areas by groupers
This project had multiple task components with the common purpose of supporting management of the Oculina Banks HAPC via assessment (habitat mapping and fish census) and monitoring.
ResourceGenetic structure of dinoflagellate symbionts in coral recruits differs from that of parental or local adults
The symbiotic relationship between dinoflagellate algae in the family Symbiodiniaceae and scleractinian corals forms the base of the tropical reef ecosystem. In scleractinian corals, recruits acquire symbionts either “vertically” from the maternal colony ...