Downloadable DataGridded bathymetry of the banktop and slope environments of Ta'u Island of the Manu'a Island group, American Samoa (Arc ASCII format)
Metadata Thumbnail Gridded bathymetry of the banktop and slope environments of Ta'u Island of the Manu'a Island group, American Samoa. This survey provides almost complete coverage between 20 and 350 meters. The multibeam data are from Reson 8101ER system aboard the R/V AH...
Downloadable DataGridded bathymetry of the banktop and slope environments of Ta'u Island of the Manu'a Island group, American Samoa (netCDF format)
Metadata Thumbnail Gridded bathymetry of the banktop and slope environments of Ta'u Island of the Manu'a Island group, American Samoa. This survey provides almost complete coverage between 20 and 350 meters. The multibeam data were collected during Jan. to March of 2004 us...
Downloadable DataMosaic of gridded multibeam bathymetry and bathymetry derived from multispectral IKONOS satellite imagery of Tau Island, Territory of American Samoa, USA
Metadata Thumbnail Gridded multibeam bathymetry is integrated with bathymetry derived from multispectral IKONOS satellite data. Gridded (10 m cell size) multibeam bathymetry collected aboard NOAA Ship Hiialaka'i and R/V AHI. Bathymetry values shallower than 15 m were derive...