ResourceCharacterizing the transcriptomic basis of disease resistance in two critically important Caribbean corals
Disease is still a primary threat to both natural recovery and the success of outplants and there is a dire need for both diagnostic and effective intervention tools to manage disease risk. Libro and Vollmer (2016) described a set of 35 differentially exp...
ResourceUsing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV's) to evaluate reef resilience and potential restoration sites in Kaneohe Bay
There are limitations in our current methodologies in how we evaluate and survey stressors. Typically NOAA uses snorkeling or SCUBA divers to survey these impacts which are time and labor intensive activities. Having a rapid, reliable, and inexpensive met...
ResourceEvaluate changes to Acropora spp population distribution following Hurricane Irma in FKNMS
The Acropora palmata population at numerous upper Florida Keys reef sites were mapped in 2006. A subset of these were re-mapped in 2014 to document long term (8 year) changes to the population, and then again in 2015 to assess the short term (1 year) impa...
ResourceNear-real-time in situ sea temperature monitoring to improve Coral Reef Watch predictions and support Mission: Iconic Reefs
The project involves the installment of accurate and reliable in situ temperature buoys at each of the Mission:Iconic Reef sites to allow monitoring of bleaching heat stress in near real time at a spatial scale that is needed to support restoration activi...
ResourceLinking spatial patterns of Isopora with environmental drivers to improve assessment of ESA-listed corals in American Samoa.
The status and extinction risk determinations leading to the final classification of 20 coral species as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) were based on extremely sparse species-level observational data of the species’ distributions, ...
ResourceQuantifying Processes That Underpin Recovery at Kahekili HFMA
The Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area (KHFMA) was established to reverse downward trends in coral reef condition and to test the effectiveness of herbivore management as means to promote coral reef resilience. Surveys conducted by the NOAA Cora...
ResourceContinuation of Talakhaya Soil Loss Assessment
The project will assist in reducing soil loss, identified as a priority need in the Talakhaya Conservation Action Plan. The existing re-vegetation efforts occurring in the watershed require continued data collection to quantify the effects they are having...
ResourceAssessing coral reef resilience along the South Kohala Coast of Hawaii
CRCP, West Hawaii Habitat Focus Area, Sentinel Site Program, and Resilient Lands and Water’s Initiative have an overlapping Focus Area on the northwest side of the Island of Hawaii that includes the South Kohala coastline. The West Hawaii Habitat Focus Ar...
ResourceOcean Color Product for Monitoring the Threat of Land-Based Sources of Pollution to Coral Reefs
New satellite products to monitor the threat of land-based sources of pollution (LBSP) to coral reefs are being developed by NESDIS/STAR’s Ocean Color Team in conjunction with Coral Reef Watch (CRW). Following two years of in-house prototype work (FY13/14...