ResourceEvaluate changes to Acropora spp population distribution following Hurricane Irma in FKNMS
The Acropora palmata population at numerous upper Florida Keys reef sites were mapped in 2006. A subset of these were re-mapped in 2014 to document long term (8 year) changes to the population, and then again in 2015 to assess the short term (1 year) impa...
ResourceImplementation of Priority Watershed Projects in the Manell-Geus Watershed, Guam
The Manell-Geus watershed was identified as a priority watershed under Guam’s coral reef conservation program in 2009 and as a NOAA Habitat Blueprint Focus Area (HFA) in 2014. The watershed drains into a rich and diverse coastal area that supports cultura...
ResourceImprove management of economically and ecologically valuable reef fishes in the USVI
This project expands fishery-independent surveys to encompass the entire reef tract (0-60m) for the first time will provide accurate and unbiased information on fish size and species composition needed for island-based management. The implementation of su...
ResourceAssessing coral reef resilience along the South Kohala Coast of Hawaii
CRCP, West Hawaii Habitat Focus Area, Sentinel Site Program, and Resilient Lands and Water’s Initiative have an overlapping Focus Area on the northwest side of the Island of Hawaii that includes the South Kohala coastline. The West Hawaii Habitat Focus Ar...