ResourceMapping Gap Analysis for US Shallow Coral Reef Areas
Spatial information about the seafloor is critical for environmental decision-making by coastal management organizations. NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) utilizes high quality, comprehensive mapping data to develop scientific information on ...
ResourceIncorporating environmental and climate drivers into coral reef community dynamics
The three stand-alone analytical projects that comprise this overall project are detailed below: 1) Linking in situ temperature time series and benthic survey data to assess coral reef bleaching resilience in American Samoa: Results from ESD's FY19 vertic...
ResourceAssessing coral reef resilience along the South Kohala Coast of Hawaii
CRCP, West Hawaii Habitat Focus Area, Sentinel Site Program, and Resilient Lands and Water’s Initiative have an overlapping Focus Area on the northwest side of the Island of Hawaii that includes the South Kohala coastline. The West Hawaii Habitat Focus Ar...