ResourceReproduction, growth, and mortality of kole, Ctenochaetus strigosus
Metadata Thumbnail Kole (Ctenochaetus strigosus) is one of the most numerous and conspicuous reef fishes in Hawaii. It is important both in commercial aquarium collecting as well as recreational and subsistence fisheries. Despite this, little is known of its life history. I...
ResourceGrowth and reproduction of Hawaiian kala, Naso unicornis
Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) are a major component of Hawaiian reefs and as algal grazers, play an important role in structuring coral reef benthic communities. Declines in the overall catch a size of commercially targeted species have raised concerns abo...
ResourceStatus of Hawaii's Coastal Fisheries in then new millennium - 2004 revised edition, Proceedings of the 2001 Fisheries Symposium
On November 1, 2001, scientists and resource managers from throughout the state attended a symposium at the Univesity of Hawaii entitled Hawaiis Coastal Fisheries in the New Millennium?. The purpose of this symposium was to document the current status of ...