ResourceLimited depth zonation among bathyal epibenthic megafauna of the Gully submarine canyon, northwest Atlantic
"The Gully is a large submarine canyon incised into the Scotian Shelf, in the northwest Atlantic. A submersible-mounted camera was used to collect 17 km of high resolution video imagery of the soft sediment flanks and floor of the canyon between 1000 and ...
ResourceMean circulation and high-frequency flow amplification in the Sable Gully
"The Sable Gully, a broad, shelf break submarine canyon approximately 40 km east of Sable Island on the eastern Scotian Shelf, separates Banquereau and Sable Island Banks. Unique among canyons on the eastern Canadian continental shelf because of its depth...
ResourceHanging canyons of Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, Canada: Fault-control on submarine canyon geomorphology along active continental margins
"Faulting commonly influences the geomorphology of submarine canyons that occur on active continental margins. Here, we examine the geomorphology of canyons located on the continental margin off Haida Gwaii, British Columbia, that are truncated on the mid...
ResourcePhysical processes affecting circulation and hydrography in the Sable Gully of Nova Scotia
"The Sable Gully is the largest submarine canyon along the shelf break off the east coast of North America. The circulation and hydrography in the Gully have significant temporal and spatial variability. This paper presents a numerical study of the three-...
ResourceImplications of changing El Nino patterns for biological dynamics in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
"El Nino events are known to strongly affect biological production and ecosystem structure in the tropical Pacific. Understanding and predicting biological processes in this area are hampered because the existing in situ observing system focuses primarily...
ResourceSubmarine canyons as important habitat for cetaceans, with special reference to the Gully: A review
"There has been much research interest in the use of submarine canyons by cetaceans, particularly beaked whales (family Ziphiidae), which appear to be especially attracted to canyon habitats in some areas. However, not all submarine canyons are associated...