ResourceGeographical partitioning of marine macrophyte assemblages in the tropical Pacific: a result of local and regional diversity processes
"Various coral reef organisms display distinct gradients in taxonomic turnover throughout the tropical Pacific Ocean. Marine macrophytes are one of the most dominant and ecologically important benthic components of tropical reefs, yet little is known abou...
ResourceNew insights into global patterns of ocean temperature anomalies: Implications for coral reef health and management
"Coral reefs are widely considered to be particularly vulnerable to changes in ocean temperatures, yet we understand little about the broad-scale spatio-temporal patterns that may cause coral mortality from bleaching and disease. Our study aimed to charac...
ResourceUse of predictive habitat modelling to assess the distribution and extent of the current protection of listed deep-sea habitats
"Aim: To demonstrate the application of predictive species distribution modelling methods to habitat mapping and assessment of percentage area-based conservation targets. Location:The NE Atlantic deep sea (UK and Irish extended continental shelf limits). ...