ResourceDrivers of circulation in a fringing coral reef embayment: A wave-flow coupled numerical modeling study of Hanalei Bay, Hawaii
"A coupled wave-circulation numerical model of Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, was constructed to investigate controls on nearshore hydrodynamics and overall circulation of a bathymetrically-complex coral reef embayment that is exposed to large waves and river flood...
ResourceRapid changes in shelf waters and pelagic communities on the southern Northwest Shelf, Australia, following a tropical cyclone
"A pronounced shift in water column characteristics and in the composition of plankton communities was observed following the passage of Tropical Cyclone Tiffany along the margin of the southern Northwest Shelf, Australia in January 1998. Satellite-derive...
ResourceModeling the impacts of bottom trawling and the subsequent recovery rates of sponges and corals in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska
"The abundance of some marine fish species are correlated to the abundance of habitat-forming benthic organisms such as sponges and corals. A concern for fisheries management agencies is the recovery of these benthic invertebrates from removal or mortalit...
ResourceEddies around Guam, an Island in the Mariana Islands Group
"Near-surface currents around Guam, a 35 km long, slab-shaped island in the Mariana Islands group, were estimated from current meters, satellite-derived surface topography, and a numerical model. A dominant northwestward-flowing North Equatorial Current p...