ResourceSatellite monitoring of reef vulnerability in a changing climate
Coral reefs throughout the world are subjected to a number of anthropogenic stressors. Some of the most pervasive of these are a result of climate change. Increasing sea surface temperature of the world's oceans is resulting in unprecedented, mass coral b...
ResourceKey Largo Coral Reef National Marine Sanctuary Deep Water Resource Survey / edited by Stephen C. Jameson, Office of Coastal Zone Management ; in cooperation with National Ocean Survey, Klein Associates, Inc., Army Corps of Engineers, Harbor Branch Foundation, Incorporated, the Cousteau Society.
ResourceKey Largo Coral Reef National Marine Sanctuary Deep Water Resource Survey
The Key Largo Coral Reef Marine Sanctuary (Sanctuary) extends from the State's territorial sea off Key Largo, Florida, seaward to the 91 meter (300 foot) isobath. It is approximately 32.2 kilometers (20 miles) long, and 8.05 kilometers (5 miles) wide. Abo...