ResourceSupporting Sustainable Coral Reef Fisheries Management Plans in Hawai’i
The Hawai?i Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR) launched its Holomua Marine Initiative as a way to work with communities to effectively manage nearshore marine resources around six main Hawaiian Islands so that local resources are avai...
ResourcePacific Islands Territorial Coral Reef Fisheries Management Strategies/Plans
American Samoa's Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources (DMWR) and Guam's Department of Agriculture (DOA) have both committed to completing Sustainable Jurisdictional Coral Reef Fisheries Management Plans (JCR-FMPs), which will include achieving sust...
ResourcePacific Islands Managed and Protected Area Community and Micronesia Region Implementation Activities
The Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Area Community (PIMPAC) enables sharing of information, expertise, practice, and experience among managers located in states, territories, and Freely Associated States (FAS) to build capacity for protected area an...
ResourceHawaii Fisheries Extension Program
Fisheries management is complex and involves many stakeholders who often have opposing viewpoints towards resource management. In Hawai`i, it is not unusual that these differing perspectives hinder communication and collaboration between stakeholders and ...