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ResourceTerritorial Climate Change Adaption Framework
ResourceNOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program : project progress report FY2011/12
ResourceAmerican Samoa Coral Reef Monitoring Program : progress report FY13/14
Downloadable DataStream discharge, turbidity, and suspended sediment concentration in Faga'alu watershed, American Samoa from 2012-01-12 to 2016-11-15 (NCEI Accession 0191818)
Downloadable DataAmerican Samoa Territorial Monitoring Program: Assessment of coral reef benthic and fish communities in American Samoa from 2005-03-10 to 2017-04-21 (NCEI Accession 0232256)
ResourceVariation in Coral Thermotolerance Across a Pollution Gradient Erodes as Coral Symbionts Shift to More Heat-Tolerant Genera
ResourceMeteorologic, oceanographic, and geomorphic controls on circulation and residence time in a coral reef-lined embayment: Faga’alu Bay, American Samoa
ResourceReduced thermal tolerance of massive coral species in a highly variable environment
ResourceCoral Reef Ecosystems
ResourcePathogenesis, associated morbidity and potential control of Acropora growth anomalies in American Samoa
ResourceExpanding monitoring and modeling of land-based sources of pollution to priority coral reefs in American Samoa
ResourceClimate change and coral reefs. A teacher's guide for middle and high school - American Samoa
ResourceAmerican Samoa coral reef educational materials
ResourceControl of Crown of Thorns Starfish at the National Park of America Samoa
ResourceEstablishing the catchment to sea connection: spatial and temporal patterns of terrestrial pollution sources and impacts to herbivorous fish
ResourceAmerican Samoa Strategic Communications Workshop
ResourceAmerican Samoa lunar calendar 2011
ResourceImpact Assessment - Removal of Chu Zai Fa No. 1 Leone, American Samoa
ResourceAmerican Samoa Project Management Training
ResourceStrengthen the management and monitoring of Samoa's community-based marine management and MPAs network
ResourceHow Are American Samoa's Coral Reefs Doing? Results from long-term monitoring conducted over the last 25 to 40 years
ResourcePromoting the Use of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in American Samoa, Regulatory and Programmatic Recommendations
ResourceWorkshop Report: A group assessment of coral-reef Ecosimystem condition across Tutuila, American Samoa, and modeling the individual contributions from human stressors
ResourceFish Coloring Book American Samoa
ResourceCoral Reef Facts and Activities
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