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ResourceProgress Report for NOAA Project #NA14NOS4820090: Evaluating the mechanisms that drive nutrient-induced coral disease and bleaching
ResourceCharacterization of Mesophotic Coral/Sponge Habitats and Fish Assemblages in the Regions of Pulley Ridge and Tortugas from ROV Dive during R/V Walton Smith Cruises of 2012 to 2015
ResourceQuantifying parrotfish grazing on coral reefs : developing a metric for management and conservation / Principal Investigator, Deron Burkepile, Co-PI: Benjamin Ruttenberg.
ResourceCorals and Their Microbiomes Are Differentially Affected by Exposure to Elevated Nutrients and a Natural Thermal Anomaly
ResourceImpact of risk perception on household willingness-to-pay to restock the threatened staghorn coral
ResourceJuvenile reef fish growth and survival related to subregional patterns of primary production
ResourceHurricane impacts on a coral reef soundscape
ResourceRapid Population Decline of the Pillar Coral Dendrogyra cylindrus Along the Florida Reef Tract
ResourceExtension of Length-Based Risk Analysis to Evaluate Management Strategies for the Florida Keys USA Multispecies Coral Reef Fishery
ResourceSaving the Last Unicorns: The Genetic Rescue of Florida’s Pillar Corals
ResourceRadiocarbon in otoliths of tropical marine fishes: Reference Δ14C chronology for north Caribbean waters
ResourcePhysical connectivity between Pulley Ridge and Dry Tortugas coral reefs under the influence of the Loop Current/Florida Current system
ResourceFlow structures over mesophotic coral ecosystems in the eastern Gulf of Mexico
ResourceAssisted sexual reproduction of Acropora cervicornis for active restoration on Florida’s Coral Reef
ResourceChange and stasis of distinct sediment microbiomes across Port Everglades Inlet (PEI) and the adjacent coral reefs
ResourcePopulation trajectory and stressors of Acropora palmata sites in the Florida Keys
ResourceDifferential survival of nursery‐reared Acropora cervicornis outplants along the Florida reef tract
ResourceChemical and genomic characterization of a potential probiotic treatment for stony coral tissue loss disease
ResourceDevelopment and characterization of 148 SNP markers in the caribbean symmetrical brain coral Pseudodiploria strigosa
ResourceThermal stress-related spatiotemporal variations in high-latitude coral reef benthic communities
ResourceSpatiotemporal Variation in Coral Assemblages and Reef Habitat Complexity among Shallow Fore-Reef Sites in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
ResourceExperimental transmission of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease results in differential microbial responses within coral mucus and tissue
ResourceAcropora cervicornis
ResourceSubmesoscale and Mesoscale Eddies in the Florida Straits: Observations from Satellite Ocean Color Measurements
ResourceFrequent disturbances and chronic pressures constrain stony coral recovery on Florida’s Coral Reef
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