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Downloadable DataNCCOS Assessment: Water Quality Data to Assess Eutrophication Effects on Coral Ecosystem Health in Vatia Bay, American Samoa from 2015-05-13 to 2018-08-28 (NCEI Accession 0208020)
Downloadable DataBenthic cover derived from photo transects in Vatia, American Samoa from 2015-11-02 to 2015-11-12 (NCEI Accession 0169726)
Downloadable DataBenthic Surveys in Vatia, American Samoa: comprehensive assessment of coral demography (adult and juvenile corals) from belt transect surveys between 2015-11-02 and 2015-11-12 (NCEI Accession 0165016)
Downloadable DataBenthic Surveys in Vatia, American Samoa: benthic images collected during belt transect surveys from 2020-01-23 to 2020-01-29 (NCEI Accession 0259494)
Downloadable DataBenthic Surveys in Vatia, American Samoa: benthic cover derived from analysis of benthic images collected during belt transect surveys of coral demography from 2020-01-23 to 2020-01-29 (NCEI Accession 0264809)
ResourceExcess Nutrients in Vatia Bay, American Samoa: Spatiotemporal Variability, Source Identification and Impact on Coral Reef Ecosystems
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