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Downloadable DataSlope Grid Derived from Gridded Bathymetry for Select U.S. Coral Reef Locations across the Pacific Ocean
Downloadable DataRugosity Grid Derived from Gridded Bathymetry for Select U.S. Coral Reef Locations across the Pacific Ocean
Downloadable DataBathymetric Position Index (BPI) Zones Grid Derived from Gridded Bathymetry for Select U.S. Coral Reef Locations across the Pacific Ocean
Downloadable DataBathymetric Position Index (BPI) Structures Grid Derived from Gridded Bathymetry for Select U.S. Coral Reef Locations across the Pacific Ocean
Downloadable DataMap of percent scleractinian coral cover and sand along camera tow tracks in west Hawaii
Downloadable DataGridded bathymetry of Kohala, Hawaii, Main Hawaiian Islands, USA.
Downloadable DataBenthic Habitat Maps for Rose Atoll Marine National Monument in American Samoa from 2004 to 2010
Downloadable DataSatellite-derived bathymetry for nearshore benthic habitats in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument
Downloadable DataDepth Contours for select locations across the U.S. Pacific Islands
Downloadable DataHard and Soft Bottom Seafloor Substrate Map Derived from an Unsupervised Classification of Gridded Bathymetry Derivatives for the NOAA Habitat Blueprint West Hawaii Focus Area
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