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Resource3D assessment of a coral reef at Lalo Atoll reveals varying responses of habitat metrics following a catastrophic hurricane
ResourceCharacterization of Martensia (Delesseriaceae; Rhodophyta) from shallow and mesophotic habitats in the Hawaiian Islands: description of four new species
ResourceNorthwestern Hawaiian Islands newspaper insert [electronic resource].
ResourceThe Northwestern Hawaiian Islands / a production of Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.
ResourceFish assemblage structure in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands is associated with the architectural complexity of coral-reef habitats
ResourceKailua-Kona Voluntary Code of Conduct and CORAL Reef Leadership Network: A Model for Sustainable Marine Recreation in Hawaii
ResourceMaui Voluntary Code of Conduct and CORAL Reef Leadership Network: A Model for Sustainable Marine Recreation in Hawaii
ResourceWise management and sustainable use of the Hawaii Aquarium Fisher through MAC certification for reef management and best practices
ResourceHawaiʻi Coral Disease database (HICORDIS): species-specific coral health data from across the Hawaiian archipelago
ResourceREEF Education Enhancement Program, "Final Progress Report to the NOAA General Coral Reef Conservation Program NOAA Award NA04NMF4630333"
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