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Integrating social and bio-physical monitoring: An initial framework for the Manell-Geus NOAA Habitat Blueprint Focal Area


Heenan, A., Wongbusarakum, S.
Integrating social and bio-physical monitoring: An initial framework for the Manell-Geus NOAA Habitat Blueprint Focal Area
Publication Date:
"The purpose of this guidance brief is to outline how ecosystem monitoring might be integrated across the typically separate disciplines of the biophysical (ecology and oceanography) and social sciences. Despite the need for ecosystem based management (EBM) being widely acknowledged in global and national policies (e.g. CBD 1992, NOP 2012), little guidance exists on how ecosystem monitoring may adapt to meet this demand for more holistic and multi-disciplinary information, and important linkages between ecosystem-based management and ecosystem-based monitoring have not yet been adequately made. This guidance brief will outline a framework on how integrated monitoring that takes into consideration biological, physical and socioeconomic sciences can be implemented. The brief will serve as a starting point for an integrated monitoring plan for the Manell-Geus site in subsequent activities funded by NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program in FY 2016 and FY 2017."
Electronic Access:
FY2015 CRCP Project ID 30091; Project Title: Strengthening Sustainable Socioeconomic Monitoring of Reef-Dependent Communities in Micronesia (Guam and CNMI); Principal Investigator: Supin Wongbusarakum ~ FY2015 CRCP Project ID 427; Project Title: Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Area Community and Micronesia Region Implementation Activities; Principal Investigator: Michael Lameier

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