An analysis of issues affecting the management of coral reefs and the associated capacity building needs in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Alternate Title:
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands capacity assessment
Page, Glenn G.
Swanenberg, Audrey
Maddalene, Taylor
King, Kyle
United States, National Ocean Service
United States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.)
Corporate Name:
United States, National Ocean Service
United States, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.)
Dates of Publication:
This capacity assessment, commissioned by National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Conservation Program, directly follows the coral reef management priority setting process facilitated by NOAA CRCP and initiated in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in 2009. In the CNMI, the priorities were summarized in the publication of 'Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' Coral Reef Management Priorities' (henceforth, the 'PSD'). The PSD forms the lens for the capacity assessment process. As outlined in Section One of this report, the consultant team facilitated a rapid, largely qualitative, participatory approach to gain the perspectives of a representative group of resource users, managers, upper-level administrators and funders who are engaged in coral reef management in the CNMI. The primary purpose of this assessment is to examine the issues that affect capacity in the CNMI as it relates to implementing the priorities expressed in the PSD and present a set of near-term recommendations for addressing persistent capacity gaps and barriers. The recommendations are offered in an appreciation of the context of the persistent capacity gaps and barriers. The recommendations are offered in an appreciation of the context of the CNMI. Implementation of the recommendations will require an implementation strategy that is adaptive. Based on the changing conditions, some recommendations may be dropped, others implemented as planned, and yet others arise as priorities that may not have been anticipated as part of this process. Indeed, the challenges facing coral reef management in the CNMI will require a long-term strategy for building adaptive capacity within the current governance system as well as an appreciation for what may be needed to change the existing system. As with the other jurisdictions that depend on the goods and services that coral reef ecosystems provide, the CNMI will need to honestly evaluate its current ecosystem governance paradigm and structures that support or impede it. Shifting to new governance pathways may be very difficult as it requires exploring new paradigms for economic growth and sustainable development that may challenge current opinions and worldviews, incentives, power relationships, and institutions operating at different scales that do not support such shifts"--Page 6 (Introduction).
Coral reef conservation
Coral reef ecology
Coral reef management
Environmental impact analysis
Marine ecosystem management
Place Keywords:
Northern Mariana Islands
Local Corporate Name:
NOS (National Ocean Service)
CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System)
Type of Resource:
This capacity assessment, commissioned by National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Conservation Program, directly follows the coral reef management priority setting process facilitated by NOAA CRCP and initiated in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in 2009. In the CNMI, the priorities were summarized in the publication of 'Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' Coral Reef Management Priorities' (henceforth, the 'PSD'). The PSD forms the lens for the capacity assessment process. As outlined in Section One of this report, the consultant team facilitated a rapid, largely qualitative, participatory approach to gain the perspectives of a representative group of resource users, managers, upper-level administrators and funders who are engaged in coral reef management in the CNMI. The primary purpose of this assessment is to examine the issues that affect capacity in the CNMI as it relates to implementing the priorities expressed in the PSD and present a set of near-term recommendations for addressing persistent capacity gaps and barriers. The recommendations are offered in an appreciation of the context of the persistent capacity gaps and barriers. The recommendations are offered in an appreciation of the context of the CNMI. Implementation of the recommendations will require an implementation strategy that is adaptive. Based on the changing conditions, some recommendations may be dropped, others implemented as planned, and yet others arise as priorities that may not have been anticipated as part of this process. Indeed, the challenges facing coral reef management in the CNMI will require a long-term strategy for building adaptive capacity within the current governance system as well as an appreciation for what may be needed to change the existing system. As with the other jurisdictions that depend on the goods and services that coral reef ecosystems provide, the CNMI will need to honestly evaluate its current ecosystem governance paradigm and structures that support or impede it. Shifting to new governance pathways may be very difficult as it requires exploring new paradigms for economic growth and sustainable development that may challenge current opinions and worldviews, incentives, power relationships, and institutions operating at different scales that do not support such shifts"--Page 6 (Introduction).
NOS (National Ocean Service)
CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System)
Public Domain