EM300 and EM3002D multibeam Data were collected from 15 Jan - 6 Feb 2006 aboard NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai at Johnston Island, Howland Island, and Baker Island in the Central Pacific during cruise HI-06-01 These multibeam data were collected using SAIC ISS-2000 software in the Generic Sensor Format and processed using SABER editing software. Surface sound velocity values were supplied by a Seabird SBE-45 MicroTSG and a SBE-38 remote temperature probe. Sound velocity corrections from a Seabird 911 CTD sensor and motion corrections from a POS-MV vertical reference were applied to the data in real time. Predicted tides were applied to the data in real time: for Johnston Island predicted tides from the NOS CO-OPS web site were used; for Baker and Howland Islands predicted tides based upon the Honolulu tide station (1612340) with a time corrector of 3 hrs 48 min and a range ratio of 3.91. Horizontal accuracy is 20m (no differential GPS correctors applied), vertical accuracy is depth dependent (~1% of water depth), WGS84 datum. These data are not to be used for navigation. Depths mapped range from ~20 - 4720 m. Concurrent mapping was done by the R/V AHI in water depths ranging from 3-250 m with the data set being AHI-06-01; metadata for AHI-06-01 are submitted separately.
The data were collected in support of Coral Reef Conservation Program goals to map all shallow (0-30 m) coral reefs in US Pacific waters and priority moderate (> 30 m) depth areas by 2009. The data are being used to provide bathymetric and backscatter data for previously unmapped areas; in support of ecosystem management requirements for benthic habitat mapping and location of Essential Fish Habitat; and to study the geologic features of the area.
Data were collected aboard the NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai, a 68 m (218') United States National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) research ship. The NOAA Ship Hiialakai's survey sensors include a 30 kHz Simrad EM300 sonar and a 300 kHz Simrad EM3002d sonar, which measures bathymetry and acoustic backscatter imagery, a TSS/Applanix POS/MV Model 320, which measures time, position, velocity, attitude and heading, and a Seabird SBE 9/11 plus CTD used to measure sound velocity profiles. The Hi'ialakai's equipment serial numbers, software versions and sensor configuration settings are as follows: SIMRAD EM300 multibeam echosounder Serial #: 303 PU Software Versions: 1.1.3 040427,2.0.0 040614,2.3.2 040615,2.0.1 040629 SIS Software Version: 1.0, build 117, July 2, 2004 SIMRAD EM3002D multibeam echosounders Serial #: 357 and 353 PU Software Versions: HCT: 2.0.7 040906 BSP67 Master: 1.2.7 040830 BSP67 Slave: 1.2.7 040830 PU: 1.6.8 050118 DDS: 3.17 2004/06/11 SIS Software Version: 2.5, build 47, April 1, 2005 HI'IALAKAI POS/MV Model 320, version 3 PCS serial #: 817 IMU serial #: 1333 PCS Firmware: 2.16, Sep 15, 2004 Controller software: v 2.1 Seabird SBE 9/11 plus CTD: Serial #: 09P35130-0737 Hi'ialakai Lever Arm Distances and Alignment Offsets: The Hi'ialakai's Reference Point (RP) is a granite block situated 1.222 m starboard of the ship's centerline, 1.23 m above the ship's baseline/datum on the keel. The RP is located under the forward deck, in the ship's laundry room. The ship's sensors, the sonar systems and permanent benchmarks are measured with respect to the RP. Positive X means the point is forward of the RP, positive Y means the point is to starboard of the RP, positive Z means the point is below the RP. The survey waterline is defined to be at the 15' draft mark on the vessel's starboard side. POS/MV Settings: X Y Z RP to IMU, m 0.434 0.000 -0.117 RP to Primary GPS(port),m -18.101 -2.011 -23.545 RP to Vessel, m 0.00 0.00 0.00 IMU w.r.t. Ref. Frame, deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 RP to Heave lever arm, m -14.532 -1.179 -5.234 Sensor 1 & 2 lever arms & angles: 0 0 0 Antenna Baseline Distance: 1.779 EM300 Settings: X Y Z Pos sensors 1 2 & 3, m 0 0 0 TX Transducer, m -04.091 -2.217 1.727 RX Transducer, m -06.065 -1.222 1.727 Attitude sensors 1 & 2, m 0 0 0 Waterline, m -3.26 Roll Pitch Heading TX Transducer, deg 0.00 0.00 359.96 RX Transducer, deg 0.00 0.00 0.05 Attitude 1, deg -0.20 0.00 0.00 Attitude 2, deg 0 0 0 Stand-alone heading, deg 0 EM3002D Settings: Pos sensors 1 2 & 3, m 0 0 0 Sonar head 1 (port), m 04.439 -1.479 1.560 Sonar head 2 (stbd), m 04.441 -0.963 1.559 Attitude sensors 1 & 2, m 0 0 0 Waterline, m -3.26 Depth sensor, m 0 0 0 Roll Pitch Heading Sonar head 1 (port), deg 40.153 0.00 0.27 Sonar head 2 (stbd), deg -39.918 0.00 358.18 Attitude 1, deg -1.25 1.1 0.00 Attitude 2, deg 0 0 0 Stand-alone heading, deg 0 Resource Description: EM300 and EM3002D Multibeam Sonar Data from Cruise Hi'ialakai HI-06-01
ground condition
1845 WASP Blvd., Building 176
e-mail preferred
Joyce E. Miller Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Horizontal accuracy is ~20 m as data were collected using GPS with no differential corrections. Vertical accuracy of multibeam data is estimated at 1% of water depth; predicted tidal corrections were applied.
These data are believed to be logically consistent though no tests were performed
Multibeam sonar data. No DGPS corrections applied; 20 m accuracy
Accuracy varies with water depth. Predicted tides were applied to the data in real time: for Johnston Island predicted tides from the NOS CO-OPS web site were used; for Baker and Howland Islands predicted tides based upon the Honolulu tide station (1612340) with a time corrector of 3 hrs 48 min and a range ratio of 3.91. Multibeam data vertical accuracy is ~1% of water depth.
Simrad EM 300 (30 kHz) bathymetry and imagery data were collected in depths of ~100m-4000m. The EM 300 system was placed in stand-by mode in shallower water due to high noise levels.
Simrad EM3002D (300 kHz) bathymetry and imagery data were collected in depths of ~20-150m. The EM3002D system was placed in stand-by mode in water depths greater than ~150 m.
These data are not to be used for navigational purposes. NOAA makes no warranty regarding these data, expressed or implied, nor does the fact of distribution constitute such a warranty. NOAA cannot assume liability for any damages caused by any errors or omissions in these data, nor as a result of the failure of these data to function on a particular system.
Please contact the Distributor (see above) for distribution options These data are also archived through NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center at http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/bathymetry/multibeam.html Data Format - Generic Sensor Format, as described in http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/pi/MB-System/formatdoc/gsf_spec.pdf