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File Identifier: gov.noaa.nodc:0213589
Metadata Date Stamp: 2020-07
Organization: DOC/NOAA/NESDIS/NCEI > National Centers for Environmental Information, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
Organization Role: custodian
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Title: Patterns of parrotfish predation on Orbicella annularis and coral tissue regeneration from bite scars on the Caribbean islands of St. Croix and Bonaire from 2018-07-02 to 2019-08-24 (NCEI Accession 0213589)
Abstract: To determine the patterns and thresholds of tissue regeneration in Orbicella annularis coral colonies from parrotfish predation, we monitored tissue regeneration of fresh parrotfish bite scars on O. annularis colonies over time across two Caribbean islands, St. Croix and Bonaire. We monitored colonies on St. Croix from June to July 2018 for up to 28 days on Bonaire from June to August 2019 for up to 64 days. This file includes the four datasets used in our study entitled 'Impacts of parrotfish predation on a major reef-building coral: quantifying healing rates and thresholds of coral recovery' (DOI 10.1007/s00338-020-01977-9). For a detailed description of methods, please refer to this publication. Dataset overview: 1) 'A1_data_overview.csv', a file that describes each variable within each of the subsequent datasets. 2) OANN_scar_healing_after_up_to_28_days.csv, the total observed tissue regeneration of parrotfish bite scars on Orbicella annularis colonies on St. Croix and Bonaire between the initial monitoring date and after 21-28 days of monitoring. 3) OANN_scar_healing_after_up_to_64_days.csv, the total observed tissue regeneration of parrotfish bite scars on Orbicella annularis colonies on Bonaire between the initial monitoring data and after 55-64 days of monitoring. 4) OANN_scar_healing_time_series.csv, time series observations of tissue regeneration of parrotfish bite scars on Orbicella annularis colonies on St. Croix and Bonaire between each 2-7 day monitoring interval over the course of the study. There are multiple, successive observations of tissue regeneration for each scars on each monitoring day. 5) OANN_scar_standing_stock.csv, the distribution of haphazardly surveyed parrotfish predation scars on St. Croix and Bonaire at a point in time observed within 30m x 1m belt transects conducted across a range of depths up to 18m. This dataset includes the total abundance of scars per colony, the number of fresh bite scars, and the estimated minimum, median, and maximum observed scar per colony and colony size measurements for all Orbicella annularis colonies with parrotfish predation scars present within transects. Methods overview: We conducted this at four sites on St. Croix from June to July of 2018 and four sites on Bonaire from June to August of 2019. At each site, we opportunistically tagged O. annularis colonies with recent parrotfish bite scars. For each colony, we recorded the colony surface area, depth in the water column, and the abundance of recent parrotfish bite scars. For each scar on the colony, we took a close up photograph of the scar with a size reference. We returned to photograph scars every 2 to 7 days, with more frequent monitoring at the start of the study. On St. Croix, we monitored scars for 21- 28 days or until the scars fully healed (i.e. a soft tissue layer had completely enclosed the scar area). Research on tissue regeneration in O. annularis suggests that the majority of scar tissue regeneration occurs within the first few weeks after scars are inflicted, though scars may continue to heal for up to almost two months (Meesters et al. 1994, 1997). Therefore, on Bonaire, we monitored scars for 55- 64 days or until scars fully healed. We used Image J 1.46r to trace and measure the surface area of each scar on a given monitoring day and used these measurements to calculate change in scar area over time. References: Meesters EH, Noordeloos M, Bak RPM (1994) Damage and regeneration: Links to growth in the reef-building coral Montastrea annularis. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 112:119Ð128 Meesters EH, Pauchli W, Bak RPM (1997) Predicting regeneration of physical damage on a reef-building coral by regeneration capacity and lesion shape. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 146:91Ð99
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Theme Topics: Environment and Conservation, Oceans and Estuaries, Biology and Ecology
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West Bounding Longitude: -68.352684
South Bounding Latitude: 12.125726
East Bounding Longitude: -64.6087981
North Bounding Latitude: 17.7878653
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