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Mariana Archipelago reproductive size L50


Tong, Ellyn
Mariana Archipelago reproductive size L50
Publication Date:
Publication Place:
Saipan MP
Type Period Note:
This poster shows the average size at first maturity, the size at which 50% of a species can produce eggs (also called L50). By allowing the fish to reach their L50 size before harvesting, we can improve the long term sustainability of our fishery. Fish much larger than their L50 can produce greater numbers of healthier eggs. If we allow some fish to reach these larger sizes and spawn, there will be more fish to harvest in the future. All animals represented here are females. In some cases, males need to be larger than females to reproduce.?
Electronic Access:
CRCP Project ID 20716; Project Title: O212 NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Coral Coordinators - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI); PIs: Valerie Brown, Steven McKagan, Alan Everson

Mariana Archipelago reproductive size L50
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