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File Identifier: gov.noaa.nodc:0226041
Metadata Date Stamp: 2021-04
Organization: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information
Organization Role: custodian
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Title: National Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Shallow Water Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) Profiles for selected locations across Phoenix (Baker) and Line (Jarvis) Islands in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument and Wake Atoll from 2017-04-03 to 2017-04-22 (NCEI Accession 0226041)
Abstract: The data described here result from near-shore shallow water Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) casts conducted at select sites around the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument and Wake Atoll as part of the ongoing National Coral Reef Monitoring Program (NCRMP). These surveys were conducted by the NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD; formerly the Coral Reef Ecosystem Division) during ESD-led NCRMP missions to the PRIA and Wake Atoll in 2017. The CTD casts provide vertical profiles (30-m max depth, downcast only) of water column conductivity, temperature, and pressure (Sea-Bird Electronics, SBE19-plus), with calculated depth, salinity, and water density. The CTD was deployed from a small boat using a hand line and held just under the surface for 1 minute to cycle water through the instrument and tubing. Afterward, data were collected by lowering the CTD in profiling mode at an even pace (descent rate ~0.5 to 0.75 meters per second) to a maximum depth of 30 m. Data processing was performed using Sea-Bird Scientific SBE Data Processing Software and the R package "oce".
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Theme Topics: Environment and Conservation, Oceans and Estuaries
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West Bounding Longitude: 166.5954245
South Bounding Latitude: -.5544667
East Bounding Longitude: -159.7949264
North Bounding Latitude: 19.3162188
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Scope (quality information applies to): Dataset
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