ResourceAssessing impacts of Hawaii's 2019 coral bleaching event on coral recovery and coral communities
As coral bleaching events become more frequent and severe in Hawaii and managers develop resilience-based management plans, it is crucial that we develop a statewide perspective on how reefs are responding to repeated events. The activities we are proposi...
ResourceDetermining whether herbivore-focused management strategies enhance critical ecosystem functions provided by fishes
Management of key fish taxa to promote the resiliency of coral reefs stems from the assumption that enhancing the abundance of these fishes, such as algal-grazing parrotfishes and surgeonfishes, ultimately increases the ecosystem functions they provide th...
ResourceIncorporating environmental and climate drivers into coral reef community dynamics
The three stand-alone analytical projects that comprise this overall project are detailed below: 1) Linking in situ temperature time series and benthic survey data to assess coral reef bleaching resilience in American Samoa: Results from ESD's FY19 vertic...
ResourceEBFM support for management of US Pacific Coral Reefs
Provide scientific advice, analysis and products to support Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) of U.S. Pacific Coral Reefs. This includes completion of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument coral reef monitoring report, as well as s...
ResourceDownscaling reef resilience
While the National Coral Monitoring Program (NCRMP) was designed for georegion (island-scale), management is often occurring at much smaller spatial scales. By reducing the spatial scale at which we can explore the temporal data collected over a decade of...
ResourceUnderstanding the impacts of climate variability and climate change on living marine resources
This project will assess the exposure and sensitivity of Pacific coral reefs to ocean warming and ocean acidification through several analyses. These include: 1) Analysis of in situ temperature logger data to assess coral reef exposure to thermal stress. ...
ResourceNCRMP Data, Reports, and Information Products for Management
In response to the 2016 CRCP Science Review and the PIFSC External Review of Ecosystem Science, the PIFSC-Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD) will continue efforts initiated in FY17 to improve the timeliness of analytical products and alignment with nationa...
ResourceMapping and EcoSpatial Information Products to Support Coral Reef Ecosystem Management in the Pacific Islands Region
This project will continue activities undertaken by the EcoSpatial Information Team (ESIT) at the Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD). ESIT performs an essential role, providing crosscutting data and analytical services—including the ability to collect and ...