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ResourceDeveloping a coral reef monitoring program in the State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia : a final progress report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coral Reef Conservation Program, Fisheries Habitat Conservation Program Office
ResourceFinal report, NOAA International Coral Reef conservation Program grant no. NA03NOS4630223, testing indicators of MPA management effectiveness in Kosrae, FSM
ResourceApplication of the WCPA-Marine/WWF Guidebook on evaluating effective management in MPAs. Lenger Island a demonstration case
ResourceEnhancing MPA effectiveness : identification and assessment of reproductively active serranid movement and fishery vulnerability
ResourceNOAA 2011 Final Report
ResourceMCT-NOAA Cooperative Agreement Final Report
ResourceSem-Pasifika socio-economic survey : Metipw community Madolenihmw Pohnpei FSM
ResourceProceedings, fourth Indo-Pacific Fish Conference : Bangkok, Thailand, 28 November-4 December, 1993, systematics and evolution of Indo-Pacific fishes.
ResourceKosrae coastal resource atlas / prepared for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division by Manoa Mapworks.
ResourcePohnpei coastal resource atlas / prepared for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Pacific Ocean Division by Manoa Mapworks.
ResourceHuman impacts on coral reefs : facts and recommendations = Impacts des activites humaines sur les recifs coralliens : connaissances et recommandations / edited by Bernard Salvat.
ResourceA threats and needs assessment of coastal marine areas in the states of Kosrae, Chuuk and Yap, Federated States of Micronesia / Willy Kostka, John D. Gavitt.
ResourceRecent advances in lagoon-based farming practices for eight species of commercially valuable hard and soft corals : a technical report / Simon Ellis, Eileen Ellis.
ResourceA rapid ecological assessment of the coral, fish, and seagrasses of Pohnpei, Ahnd, and Pakin, federated states of Micronesia : findings and recommendations / prepared by the Conservation Society of Pohnpei.
ResourceGenomics of a novel ecological phase shift: the case of a ‘weedy’ Montipora coral in Ulithi, Micronesia
ResourceSpatial assessment, sex-specific habitat use and vulnerability of spawning populations of squaretail coralgrouper, Plectropomus areolatus, in Pohnpei, FSM
ResourcePohnpei State, FSM Fisheries Symposium October 23-27, 2017
ResourcePacific Islands Managed and Protected Area Community Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027
ResourceYap Manta Ray Sanctuary Conservation Action Plan
ResourceAwane Marine Park Conservation Action Plan: Lelu, Kosrae
ResourceAdapting to a Changing Climate Workshop: Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
ResourceMicronesia Fisheries Monitoring Network: Data analysis workshop and stakeholder meetings, Yap, FSM
ResourceLaolao Bay Conservation Action Plan
ResourceJournal of Micronesian Fishing, Special Edition
ResourceImproved resource monitoring to support community-based marine protected area planning on Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
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