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Building resilience into coral reef management In American Samoa


NOAA Fisheries Pacific Islands Region
Building resilience into coral reef management In American Samoa
Publication Date:
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"The poster describes (1) Impacts that pose threats and challenges to marine conservation, (2) What is lost when coral dies, (3) What resilience looks like for corals, and (4) What can we do? We cannot control climate change or global warming, but we can improve the management of reefs so they can resist and recover from these threats. This is resilience. We can strengthen resilience through conservation and sustainable resource management."
coral reef resilience
Electronic Access:
FY2012 Project ID 560; Project Title: Improving Coral Reef Management in American Samoa Through Resilience and Capacity Building; Product 269; Product Title: American Samoa Reef Resilience Outrach and Education Materials; Principal Investigator: Fatima Sauafea-Leau

Building resilience into coral reef management In American Samoa
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