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Comprehensive regional decision support framework to prioritize sites for coral reef conservation in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Survey of professional SCUBA divers


Comprehensive regional decision support framework to prioritize sites for coral reef conservation in the U.S. Virgin Islands: Survey of professional SCUBA divers
Publication Date:
OMB Control No. 0648-0696
"This request is for a new information collection to benefit natural resource managers in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI). The National Ocean Service (NOS) proposes to collect information from professional SCUBA divers in the USVI about the value, status and resilience of coral reef areas in the jurisdiction. Up-to-date sociological data is needed to support the Agencys conservation and management goals, to strengthen and improve decision-making related to coral reef management and to satisfy legal mandates under the Coral Reef Conservation Act (CRCA). Additionally, this collection supports agency obligations under the Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), the Endangered Species Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Executive Order 12866 (EO 12866), and other pertinent statutes."
coral reef resilience
Electronic Access:
FY2014 CRCP Project ID 837; Project Title: Comprehensive Regional Decision-Support Framework to Prioritize Sites for Coral Reef Conservation in the U.S. Virgin Islands; Principal Investigator: Chris Caldow

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