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The ecology of the red algae Ramicrusta textilis, its dynamic with corals and the evaluation of possible management strategies to minimize its threat to coral reefs around Puerto Rico


HJR Reefscaping
The ecology of the red algae Ramicrusta textilis, its dynamic with corals and the evaluation of possible management strategies to minimize its threat to coral reefs around Puerto Rico
Publication Date:
Publication Place:
Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico
HJR Reefscaping
Type Period Note:
Final Report
"The encrusting red alga, commonly known as Ramicrusta (Ramicrusta textilis), is present in Puerto Rico and has been observed overgrowing corals and octocorals. This study quantified the presence and distribution of Ramicrusta at Caja de Muertos reefs, south of Puerto Rico. Live corals covered 12.4 % of the reefs benthic composition in shallow (less than 2 m in depth) areas nearshore, while R. textilis covered 27.9 % in the same areas. Of the 359 coral colonies surveyed, 50.2 % were partially overgrown by R. textilis with Acropora cervicornis, Orbicella faveolata, and Millepora alcicornis being the most susceptible to overgrowth. Ramicrusta textilis seems to be the principal live calcareous benthic organism in this back reef environment creating habitat features that support fish and macro-invertebrate communities."
Electronic Access:
FY2011 CRCP Project ID 20645; Project Title: O095 FY11 Domestic Coral Reef Conservation Grant Programs; Principal Investigator: Dana Wusinich-Mendez ~ FY2011 CRCP grant NA11NOS4820005
Funding Organizations:
NOS/Office for Coastal Management (OCM)
Grant Number(s):

The ecology of the red algae Ramicrusta textilis, its dynamic with corals and the evaluation of possible management strategies to minimize its threat to coral reefs around Puerto Rico
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