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PIFSC Cruise Report CR-11-003 (Cruise SE-11-02)


Kobayashi, D. R.
PIFSC Cruise Report CR-11-003 (Cruise SE-11-02)
Publication Date:
Publication Place:
Honolulu, HI
NOAA NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC)
Type Period Note:
Vessel: NOAA ship Oscar Elton Sette; Mission Number SE-11-02; Cruise Period: 25 February - 25 March 2011; Area of Operation: Leg I operations were conducted in Kealakekua Bay and the waters off the lee coast of the island of Maui. Leg II operations were conducted in the waters of the North Pacific along the 158 deg W and 161 deg W meridians, from 22.75 deg N to 36 deg N; Type of Operation: The Simrad EK60 echosounder calibration was conducted at Kealakekua Bay. Coordinated acoustic and BotCam operations were conducted in the lee waters of Maui. Conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts to a depth of 1000 m were conducted regularly along the Leg II track. Acoustic backscatter, current velocity, and surface temperature and salinity data were collected continuously throughout both legs.
"Missions: A) Estimate bottomfish abundance using the Simrad EK60 echosounder system and BotCam; B) Describe the physical environment of the North Pacific tuna and swordfish fishing grounds through routine CTD casts and continuous acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermosalinograph (TSG) measurements; C) Assess the influence of the physical dynamics on the density, distribution, and composition of micronekton in the region by monitoring the biological backscatter using the Simrad EK60 echosounder system. Characterize the micronekton faunal composition and densities as the forage base for larger pelagic nekton; D) Assess the influence of the physical dynamics on the biological productivity in the region through CTD-mounted fluorometer measurements and extracted chlorophyll and accessory pigment determinations; and E) Conduct stern trawl operations targeting the depths of the high sonic scattering layers to better our understanding of echosounder signals collected by the EK60 echosounder."
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