ResourceQuantifying extinction risk for ESA-listed coral species in the Wider Caribbean
THE ISSUE: Corals continue to undergo precipitous declines in population size. Seven Caribbean coral species have been listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), NOAA is required to monitor population status and trends throughout these species' range,...
ResourceBuilding community trust, empowerment and resiliency in improving coastal habitats and coral reef management in Pala Lagoon.
The proposed project aims to continue the FY14 pilot work (Project ID 1124) by expanding community conservation efforts to a local high school located near Pala Lagoon to engage in a School-based Conservation Project through 6 months within the school yea...
ResourceAssessing reef fish population recovery, SPAGs and lionfish impacts on prey and predator communities in the TER.
We continue monitoring (since 2003) of snapper grouper populations in the TER for a final two years. While we have observed recovery of spawning aggregations (SPAGs) of mutton snapper, knowledge of site fidelity of SPAGs is limited and continued data coll...