Puerto Rico Coral Reef Ecosystem Valuation - Reports Download

1. Visitor Profiles: Reef Users (.pdf 2.5 MB)

This report presents a socioeconomic profile of reef using visitors to Puerto Rico. Estimates are presented on the total amount of visitation measured in person-trips (visits) and intensity of visitation measured in person-days. The concepts of person-trips and person-days are defined and as with many measurements, separate estimates are provided by season (summer and winter). Extensive profiles are presented on activity participation for reef using activities and non-reef using activities for reef using visitors. An extensive set of appendix tables provides details by activity type, region and season. Puerto Rico was divided into five regions for estimation of activity use. Intensity of use is measured in person-days for selected reef using activities by region and season.

The profiles presented in this report also include demographic profiles of the reef using visitors. Place of primary residence (country and within the U.S. the state) age, sex, race, ethnicity, and household income of the survey respondent are provided. Additional items include party size, second home ownership in Puerto Rico, length of stay, number of annual trips to Puerto Rico, number of days annually spent in Puerto Rico and numbers of nights spent in each region of Puerto Rico on the interview trip.

Expenditure profiles are also presented in this report. Here we present the average expenditure by spending category per person per trip and per person per day. These expenditures are used in another report on the economic contribution/impact that these expenditures have on the Puerto Rican economy in terms of output/sales, value-added (gross regional product), income, and employment (including multiplier or “ripple effects”). The final section of this report addresses special issues identified through public scoping of the project. These special issues include private boats that visitors keep in Puerto Rico, likelihood of return visits, cruise ship visits and their influence on making a non-cruise ship visit, visitors' preferences for the level of development, and visitor level of support for different natural resource management issues.

2. Economic Contribution of Reef Using Visitor Spending to the Puerto Rican Economy (.pdf 690 KB)

This report is the second volume in the six volume series. It addresses the economic contribution/impact of visitor reef users' expenditures in Puerto Rico on the Puerto Rican economy. Estimates of total visitor spending by category are used in the IMPLAN input-output model for Puerto Rico to estimate the impact of these expenditures on the Puerto Rican economy in terms of output/sales, valued-added (gross regional product), income, and employment (including multiplier or “ripple effects” of the spending by reef using visitors).

3. Importance and Satisfaction Ratings by Reef Using Visitors in Puerto Rico (.pdf 815 KB)

This report is volume three of the six volume series and addresses importance-satisfaction ratings by reef using visitors on 25 natural resource attributes, facilities, and services. The importance-performance four-quadrant analysis is used to place items as to their relative importance and satisfaction.

4. Technical Appendix: Visitor Profiles (.pdf 5.0 MB)

This report is volume four of the six volume series and is a technical appendix detailing the methods used in sampling and estimation for items presented in volumes one through three. Details are provided on sampling methodologies, sample weighting, analyses on non-response bias, and methods of estimation of project measurements presented in volumes one to three.

5. Technical Appendix: Non-market Economic Value by Reef Using visitors on Puerto Rico’s Coral Reef Ecosystems - An Attributes Approach (.pdf 7.3 MB)

This report is volume five of the six volume series. This technical appendix details the methods used in estimating the non-market economic values of coral reef ecosystem attributes. Details are provided on sampling methodologies, sample weighting, questionnaire and experimental design, model estimations, and use of the model in estimating the economic value of attributes under different scenarios. This report is intended for peer reviewers and for researchers that would like to implement the methods used in other geographies.

6. Non-market Economic Value by Reef Using Visitors on Puerto Rico’s Coral Reef Ecosystems - An Attributes Approach: Policy/Management Scenarios (.pdf 1.1 MB)

This report is volume six of the six volume series and reports the results of using the estimated models found in volume five for evaluating selected policy/management scenarios to demonstrate the utility of the models.