Puerto Rico Coral Reef Ecosystem Valuation - Data Download

Coral reef ecosystem valuation surveys in Puerto Rico conducted from 2016-10-15 to 2017-06-21 (NCEI Accession 0173405)

SCUBA diver on a reef in Puerto Rico
Diver on a reef in Puerto Rico. Photo copyright Michelle Scharer

This dataset contains the data that were collected as part of a six volume report series on the socioeconomics of visitor use of Puerto Rico’s coral reef ecosystems. Two main surveys were conducted for reef-using visitors to Puerto Rico: the Airport Survey and the CUSTOMER On-site Survey.

The first component of the Airport Survey consisted of an on-site survey at the airport on flights leaving Puerto Rico. Information was obtained on place of permanent residence, time of arrival and departure for each participant's current trip to Puerto Rico, number of nights in Puerto Rico on trip, number of people in the party 16 years and older, and number in the party under 16 years of age. Demographic information (e.g. age, gender, race/ethnicity, household income, and ownership of a second home in Puerto Rico) was also a part of this survey. In addition, the survey included questions about recreation activity by type of activity, mode of access (shore, private boat, rental boat or for hire boat), region of activity (five regions), and number in the party that did the activity). Number of trips to Puerto Rico and number of day spent in Puerto Rico over the last 12 month was also asked. The Airport survey was done in the winter and summer seasons).

The airport survey also had a mailback component. This consisted of two surveys handed to reef-using visitors after completing the On-site Airport survey; an expenditures and satisfaction mailback. Detailed expenditures were obtained and the number in the party the expenditures covered. The satisfaction mailback obtained ratings on 25 natural resource attributes, facilities, and services on both importance and satisfaction with each item. Special issue questions were also included here.

The CUSTOMER On-site survey was done at hotels, marinas, dive shops, charter/guide boat access points, parks and beaches where reef-using visitors could be found. This survey obtained activity participation and use as in the Airport On-site survey, but added the dimension of intensity of use measured in person-days and number of dives for snorkeling and SCUBA diving. Again this was done by region and season. This survey also included the "willingness to pay" questions for the non-market economic values of reef attribute conditions. The survey also included demographic information much like the Airport Survey.