Interdisciplinary Baseline Ecosystem Assessment Surveys to Inform Ecosystem-Based Management Planning in Timor-Leste
The datasets collected or generated by the NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Program for Timor-Leste as described in the Interdisciplinary Baseline Ecosystem Assessment Surveys to Inform Ecosystem-Based Management Planning in Timor-Leste: Final Report are organized below according to the corresponding data chapters (Chapters 2-4) in the report (Satellite Mapping, Coral Reef Ecosystem Assessments, and Ecological Baselines for Climate Change, respectively).
Click on the thumbnail images to view the full-sized version of the images.
For each dataset, a brief description is provided along with links to view the data documentation (metadata) in InPort (the NOAA Fisheries Enterprise Data Management Program) and to download the data from the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) data archive.
Satellite Mapping
Coral Reef Ecosystem Assessments
Ecological Baselines for Climate Change