The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008 |
A comprehensive assessment of all coral reef ecosystems under US jurisdiction in the Caribbean, Keys, Gulf, and Pacific regions. This report to Congress contains maps, a National Summary, threats and conservation efforts (578 pgs.) Note: use bookmarks in PDF to access individual chapters. |
Corals Roadmap |
A listing of online resources aimed to guide students and educators to various coral topics to explore more in-depth: includes coral biology, deep water coral, images, and maps. |
Coral Tutorial* |
A tutorial with over 50 pages that presents an introduction to corals, their life cycle, symbiotic relationship to zooxanthellae, the importance of coral reefs and threats. * Selected by NSTA science educators |
CoRIS Coral Glossary |
An illustrated list of over 3,000 scientific/ technical terms relating to the marine environment. Note: Use 'control+F' when searching within PDF. For the most up-to-date glossary listings, click here. |
Deep Sea Corals |
An introduction to deep sea corals, their distribution worldwide and also within the U.S.; highlights species, related communities and the many threats they face. |
Oceana |
Deep Sea Life: On the Edge of the Abyss |
Presents deep sea ecosystems, including hydrothermal vents, sea mounts. This booklet covers the threats presented by trawling, pollution and oil extraction. |
Oceana |
Deep Sea Floor Ecosystems of New England & the Mid-Atlantic |
Presents the deep sea floor ecosystem of New England and the mid-Atlantic, including the New England seamount chain, canyons, threats and conservation. |
Oceana |
Deep Sea Trawl Fisheries of the Southeast & Gulf U.S. Regions |
Overview of the trawl fisheries in the southeast and gulf regions of the U.S., with emphasis on rock shrimp, royal red shrimp and Calico scallops. |
Oceana |
Get Involved |
A guide to beach and underwater clean ups. |
Project AWARE |
Implementation of the National Coral Reef Action Strategy: 2008 |
This Report to Congress provides background on the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force and progress of Federal agencies and jurisdictions between 2004-2006 in the study and protection of U.S. coral reefs. Note: Executive Summary only - click here to access resources of the full report or individual chapters. |
Marine Aquarium Trade |
Presents the collecting of tropical fish for aquaria and the certification process of the Marine Aquarium Council (MAC). |
Marine Aquarium Council |
Protecting Hawai`i's Ocean Treasures |
This 24-page insert offers information on humpback whales and the diverse coral reef ecosystems found in Hawai'i. Includes a humpback whale migration game and more. |
State of the Science: Ocean Acidification |
A two-page document that summarizes what we now know (as of May 2008) on the emerging topic of ocean acidification. |