National Coral Reef Monitoring Program
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: 2024 Socioeconomic Survey
The second cycle of the CNMI socioeconomic survey is scheduled for 2024.
In 2016, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conducted the first-ever National Coral Reef Monitoring Program resident survey in CNMI. The national survey collects information on resident use of coral reefs, knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of coral reefs and management. The survey has helped NOAA and the CNMI Government improve programs designed to protect coral reefs at local, regional, and national levels, as well as inform continuing research and communication products.
Bird Island, Saipan, CNMI (credit: Florence Park, open access)
Project Status:
The second cycle of socioeconomic surveys is being conducted during the spring of 2024. From February through April, household residents of CNMI will be randomly selected and invited to participate in the survey. Local staff from Pacific Coastal Research & Planning will be visiting households in Saipan, Tinian, and Rota to administer the survey. The survey will be offered in English, Chamorro, Carolinian, and Tagalog. Following data collection, the research team will conduct data processing, QA/QC, and analysis, followed by product development.
General Timeline:
March - September 2020: Partner engagement (sampling design and survey development)
January - June 2021: Office of Management and Budget survey review and approval 1 [1]
April - August 2023: Hiring of subcontractor
May 2023: Partner re-engagement (survey confirmation)
June - July 2023: Office of Management and Budget survey review and approval 2 [1]
Fall 2023: Survey translation
December 2023 - February 2024: Surveyor recruitment and training
February - April 2024: Data collection
May - August 2024: Data quality assurance and control
Fall/Winter 2024-2025: Data analyses, product development
Spring/Summer 2025: Report and publication of findings, data archived
[1]The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires federal agencies to obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget each time they collect or sponsor the collection of information. Surveys must go through a rigorous review process that may include multiple reviews and require many months to be approved.